
How to code a program for optimization if a variable depends on optimization variables?

我在做优化的时候在matlab中遇到了一个问题。假设我想对 x


min_x f(x,c) 这样 sum(x)=1。对于每个固定的 xc 是一个常数,例如


其中 a,b,alpha 是已知的。



并计算 f(x,c),然后我们更新一个新的 x



对于 fmincon 中的非线性约束,但我想知道它是否有效,因为我们不知道如何根据 [=13] 显式地写出 c =].

  • 使用solve根据x
  • 显式地写c
  • f(x,c) 定义为仅 x 的函数
  • c 替换为它的表达式
  • 开始优化


% Given a, b, alpha
a = 2; b = 5; alpha = 1;

% Unknown x, c
syms x c

% Relation between x and c
eq = (x.*a+c).^(1./alpha)+(x.*b+c).^(1./alpha)== 1 ;

% Mention only c, x will be considered as independent variable
% The solution gives c in terms of x
c = solve(eq, c);

% Transfom syms variable into function handle variable 
c = matlabFunction(c);
% c(x) = x.*(-7.0./2.0)+1.0./2.0

% Define f as a function of x only, c is a constant having x as parameter
 fun =@(x)f(x, c(x));

% optimization starts here 

 [x, fval] = fmincon(fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options);

% Given function in terms of x and c
function y = f(x,c)
    y = 2.*x + c;