
Problems trying to construct a wrapper measuring function call time

我正在实现一些数据结构,每个数据结构都支持一组命令,例如 INSERT value

我使用分词器生成了一个包含每个 word/value.


我希望能够将 每个 函数调用花费的时间输出到 .txt 文件,加上函数 returned if return 某事。

例如,如果命令是INSERT AVLTREE 4,我只想输出调用avl.insert(4)所花费的时间。 如果命令是 SEARCH AVLTREE 4,我想输出调用 avl.search(4) 所花费的时间及其结果(例如 "SUCCESS""FAILURE")。


我制作了两个文件 (.cpp/.hpp),其中包含以下 self-hacked 函数包装器,以及一个变体和一个结构:

// file: wrap.cpp

#include "wrap.hpp"

#include <chrono>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include <boost/variant.hpp>

using std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
using std::chrono::time_point;
using std::chrono::nanoseconds;

using std::string;
using std::to_string;

using std::forward;

using boost::get;
using boost::static_visitor;
using boost::apply_visitor;

// I'm overloading std::to_string, so it works on std::strings as well.
string to_string(const string &value)
    return value;

// I want to apply to_string on whatever is inside my variant.
class to_string_visitor : public static_visitor<>
        template <typename T>
        void operator()(T & operand) const

// Takes two points in time and returns the time 
// between them in nanoseconds.
const nanoseconds::rep duration(const nanoseconds tpoints_difference) noexcept
    const auto result = tpoints_difference.count();
    return result;

// Generates a point in time.
const high_resolution_clock::time_point timeNow(void) noexcept
    const auto result = high_resolution_clock::now();
    return result;

// Here's where's the problematic magic happens:
// The ret boolean is set to true if the function F returns a value,
// otherwise, it is set to false.
// Variadic arguments are being taken and then std::forwarded to F.
template<typename F, typename... Args>
const output wrapper(bool ret, F function, Args&&... args) noexcept
        // Generate a point in time, t1.
    const high_resolution_clock::time_point t1 = timeNow();

        // If F returns a result,
    if (ret == true)
                // assign it to result (my variant).
        result = function(forward<Args>(args)...);
                // just call F with Args forwarded.

        // Generate another point in time, t2 and
        // count the difference between t2 - t1.
    const auto elapsed = duration(timeNow() - t1);

        // Make whatever is inside result a string
        // using std::to_string.
    apply_visitor(to_string_visitor(), result);

        // My struct
    output out;

        // which contains the time elapsed and
        // the result returned
    out.time = elapsed;
    out.result = get<string>(result);

        // I can theoretically use both time elapsed and
        // result returned however I want. Hooray!..almost:(
    return out;

这里是变体 result:

// These are all the types a data structure function may return.
variant<int, unsigned, uint32_t, size_t, graph_size, string> result = 0;


struct graph_size
    unsigned vertices; //Number of vertices that the Graph currently contains
    unsigned edges;    //Number of edges that the Graph currently contains

最后,output 结构:

typedef struct output
    double time;          // function call time
    string result;        // what function returned

        // notice that if function returned nothing,
        // result will be an empty string.
    output() : time(0), result("") {}
} output;

我正在尝试像这样使用 wrapper:

AVL avl;
// stuff
auto out = wrapper(true, avl.insert, 4);


invalid use of non-static member function 'void AVL::insert(int)'


no matching function for call to 'wrapper(bool, <unresolved overloaded function type>, unsigned int&)'



EDIT 1: 问题标题可能不太合适,如果你有好的想法我会愉快地改变

问题出在您 wrapper() 函数使用的极端情况下。让它与成员函数一起工作非常棘手,并且可能与 void-返回函数一起工作(参见 Jarod42 的优秀 )。这个:

wrapper(true, avl.insert, 4);


wrapper(true, &AVL::insert, avl, 4);

它仍然无法编译,但现在由于 你如何在 wrapper.


解决方法是使用适合此类工作的工具 - std::invoke。它正确处理自由函数、成员函数等。示例用法:

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

struct foo {
    void bar(int x) {
        std::cout << x;

template <typename F, typename... Args>
void wrapper(F f, Args&&... args) {
    std::invoke(f, std::forward<Args>(args)...);

void free_bar() {
    std::cout << "free";

int main() {
    foo f;
    wrapper(&foo::bar, f, 1); // pass a pointer to member function and the instance itself, then arguments

注意代码如何正确处理每种情况。 std::invoke只是做正确的事

由于您需要根据 return 类型的不同行为,您可以使用 specialization/SFINAE,例如:

template<typename F, typename... Args>
auto wrapper(F function, Args&&... args) noexcept
-> std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<void, std::invoke_result_t<F, Args&&...>>::value, output>
    const high_resolution_clock::time_point t1 = timeNow();
    const auto elapsed = duration(timeNow() - t1);

    output out;
    out.time = elapsed;
    out.result = ""; // void return
    return out;

template<typename F, typename... Args>
auto wrapper(F function, Args&&... args) noexcept
-> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<void, std::invoke_result_t<F, Args&&...>>::value, output>
    const high_resolution_clock::time_point t1 = timeNow();
    auto result = function(forward<Args>(args)...);
    const auto elapsed = duration(timeNow() - t1);

    output out;
    out.time = elapsed;
    out.result = to_string(result);
    return out;


AVL avl;

auto out = wrapper([&](){ return avl.insert(4);});