ES6 块是否只能防止功能提升?

Are ES6 blocks only prevent function hoisting?


//Outer funtion 
function foo() {
  console.log('outer foo');

  //Inner function
  function foo() {
    console.log('inner foo');

foo(); //Says "inner foo"


这是否意味着 ES6 块仅在内部声明时阻止函数提升?


许多人认为这些块没有影响功能。但是,请根据 MDN 查看以下场景 -

foo('outside');  // TypeError: foo is not a function
  function foo(location) {
   console.log('foo is called ' + location);
  foo('inside'); // works correctly and logs 'foo is called inside'

To be more precise, the block statement is preventing the function declaration from being hoisted to the top of the scope. The function is behaving as if it were defined as a function expression and, as such, it is only the implicit variable declaration that gets hoisted to the top of the scope



I assume that in the above case the Inner function's explicit deceleration is replacing the hoisted outer function after the block is executed.

函数声明,如 var 语句,在执行函数中的代码之前的函数初始扫描期间被提升到函数的顶部。

块与提升 var 语句或函数声明(两者都具有函数范围)无关。它们仅对具有块作用域的 letconst 重要。