为什么 FOR LOOP 只输出 echo is on in txt 文件?

Why FOR LOOP only output Echo is on in txt file?


ECHO is on.
ECHO is on.
ECHO is on.


SET "InputFile=abc.txt"
IF EXIST "%InputFile%" (DEL /f /q "%InputFile%")
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /F Tokens^=* %%G IN ('
    "WMIC PATH Win32_DiskPartition WHERE ^(DeviceID^="Disk #0, Partition #1"^) Assoc:list /AssocClass:Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition 2>NUL"

') DO (CALL ECHO %%G>> "%InputFile%")



1. 如果包含逗号,WHERE clause in WQL 将失败。使用

"… WHERE ^(DeviceID^ like^ "Disk #0_ Partition #1"^) …

2. 有一个已知的 wmic 错误,请参阅 Dave Benham's article WMIC and FOR /F: A fix for the trailing <CR> problem。修复它,例如如下:

SETLOCAL EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
SET "InputFile=abc56715419.txt"
IF EXIST "%InputFile%" (DEL /f /q "%InputFile%")
REM SETLOCAL EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /F Tokens^=* %%G IN ('
    "WMIC PATH Win32_DiskPartition WHERE ^(DeviceID^ like^ "Disk #0_ Partition #1"^) Assoc:list /AssocClass:Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition 2>NUL"
') DO ( for /F "delims=" %%g in ("%%G") do (CALL ECHO(%%g))
REM debugging output
type "%InputFile%"

这里 for 循环是

  • %%G 检索 WMIC 输出;
  • %%g 删除值 return 结尾的 carriage returned: wmic 行为:每个输出行以 0x0D0D0A (<CR><CR><LF>) 而不是常见的 0x0D0A (<CR><LF>).
  • 结尾

您的问题只是 DeviceID 字符串包含逗号,使用变量保存它可以轻松解决。为了不显示 return Echo 状态消息,您需要在 Echo 之后添加一个非 space 字符,最好的字符是 (=/.


@Echo Off
Set "InputFile=abc.txt"
Set "SearchStr=Disk #0, Partition #1"

If Exist "%InputFile%" Del /F "%InputFile%"
For /F Tokens^=* %%A In ('
    "WMIC Partition Where (DeviceID="%%SearchStr%%") Assoc:List /AssocClass:Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition 2>NUL"
')Do >>"%InputFile%" Echo(%%A

如果您不想在文件输出中出现空行,请使用另一个嵌套的 For 循环:

@Echo Off
Set "InputFile=abc.txt"
Set "SearchStr=Disk #0, Partition #1"

If Exist "%InputFile%" Del /F "%InputFile%"
For /F Tokens^=* %%A In ('
    "WMIC Partition Where (DeviceID="%%SearchStr%%") Assoc:List /AssocClass:Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition 2>NUL"
')Do For /F Tokens^=* %%B In ("%%A")Do >>"%InputFile%" Echo(%%B

然而,当您输出所有内容时,根本不需要 For 循环:

@Set "InputFile=abc.txt"
@Set "SearchStr=Disk #0, Partition #1"
@If Exist "%InputFile%" Del /F "%InputFile%"
@WMIC /Output:"%InputFile%" Partition Where (DeviceID="%SearchStr%") Assoc:List /AssocClass:Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition 2>NUL


由于这是看似都基于同一任务的众多问题之一,如果您只是想确定与 Disk #0, Partition #1 关联的驱动器号,您可以类似地进行操作:

@Set "SearchStr=Disk #0, Partition #1"
@For /F Skip^=2Tokens^=2Delims^=^" %%A In ('"WMIC Partition Where (DeviceID="%%SearchStr%%") Assoc /AssocClass:Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition 2>NUL"')Do @Echo %SearchStr% = %%A