如果 JSON 具有无效的 属性 名称,RestTemplate (w/ Jackson) 调用是否应该失败

Should RestTemplate (w/ Jackson) Call Fail If JSON Has an Invalid Property Name

我使用 Spring 的 (5.0.1) RestTemplate 和 Jackson 2 (fasterxml) 转换器进行了以下 REST 调用:

final List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters =   restTemplate.getMessageConverters();

MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter converter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter();

final ObjectMapper objectMapper = converter.getObjectMapper();


我不明白的是,当服务器的响应有一个未知的 JSON 属性 时,它只是将其设置为 null 而不是我假设的 RestTemplate#getForEntity() 在数据提取期间抛出异常:

ResponseEntity<MyResponse> responseEntity = restTemplate.getForEntity("http//some-url/api", MyResponse.class); 

映射对象只是一个 Serializable,没有任何 Jackson 注释:

public class MyResponse implements Serializable {
  private String propertyOne;
  private String propetyTwo;

响应 JSON 看起来像:


在这种情况下,映射对象包含 propertyOne 的值,但 badName 的值 null

在这些情况下,RestTemplate/Jackson 不抛出任何 exception/error 是否正常?



Feature that determines whether encountering of unknown properties (ones that do not map to a property, and there is no "any setter" or handler that can handle it) should result in a failure (by throwing a JsonMappingException) or not. This setting only takes effect after all other handling methods for unknown properties have been tried, and property remains unhandled.

Feature is enabled by default (meaning that a JsonMappingException will be thrown if an unknown property is encountered).

