class 内的自动映射器 IEnumerable 未映射到 RepeatedField

Automapper IEnumerable within class is not being mapped to RepeatedField

我想在两个 class 之间映射:

public class A {
    public IEnumerable<C> someList

public class B {
    public RepeatedField<D> someList

其中 RepeatedField 是 Google.Protobuf.Collections 中处理 gRPC 数据的 class。

编辑:事实证明,gRPC 通过其原型创建 classes 的方式并不完全像创建像 B 这样的 class。请参阅我的回答。

我像这样创建一个 Automapper MappingConfiguration

return new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
        cfg.CreateMap<C, D>().ReverseMap();
        cfg.CreateMap<A, B>().ReverseMap();

然后它通过 ASP.NET 启动 class.


如果我在另一个地方做这样的事情 class

A instanceA; // assume A's list has values inside
var listofD = this.mapper.Map<List<D>>(A.someList)

它正确 returns 一个包含值的列表。然而:

A instanceA; // assume A's list has values inside
B instanceB = this.mapper.Map<B>(A);


您需要创建一个 custom type converter 来执行转换:

private class EnumerableToRepeatedFieldTypeConverter<TITemSource, TITemDest> : ITypeConverter<IEnumerable<TITemSource>, RepeatedField<TITemDest>>
    public RepeatedField<TITemDest> Convert(IEnumerable<TITemSource> source, RepeatedField<TITemDest> destination, ResolutionContext context)
        destination = destination ?? new RepeatedField<TITemDest>();
        foreach (var item in source)
            // obviously we haven't performed the mapping for the item yet
            // since AutoMapper didn't recognise the list conversion
            // so we need to map the item here and then add it to the new
            // collection
        return destination;


private class RepeatedFieldToListTypeConverter<TITemSource, TITemDest> : ITypeConverter<RepeatedField<TITemSource>, List<TITemDest>>
    public List<TITemDest> Convert(RepeatedField<TITemSource> source, List<TITemDest> destination, ResolutionContext context)
        destination = destination ?? new List<TITemDest>();
        foreach (var item in source)
        return destination;


ce.CreateMap(typeof(IEnumerable<>), typeof(RepeatedField<>)).ConvertUsing(typeof(EnumerableToRepeatedFieldTypeConverter<,>));
ce.CreateMap(typeof(RepeatedField<>), typeof(List<>)).ConvertUsing(typeof(RepeatedFieldToListTypeConverter<,>));

Try it online


C# class 中的 Google.Protobuf.Collections.RepeatedField 是只读的,这意味着直接向其中赋值是行不通的,返回时只会 return 一个空列表。因此,我在两个较大的 classes 之间创建了一个自定义类型转换器以将它们组合在一起。它所做的是直接将值添加到 RepeatedField 中,而不是填充我自己的 RepeatedField 并将值分配到 class.

public static class mapConfig
    public static ContainerBuilder RegisterObjectMappers(this ContainerBuilder builder)
        builder.Register(c => GetV1MapperConfiguration().CreateMapper())

        return builder;
    private static MapperConfiguration GetMapConfig()
        return new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
            // some mappings here
            cfg.CreateMap<C, D>().ReverseMap();
            cfg.CreateMap<A, B>().ConvertUsing<AToBConverter>();
public class AToBConverter : ITypeConverter<A, B>
    public B Convert(A source, B destination, ResolutionContext context)
        var b = new B
            // internal values here aside from the repeated field(s)

        // Need to use the Add method to add values rather than assign it with an '=' sign
        foreach (var someValue in source.someList)
        return b;

从 RepeatedField 转换为列表或映射中的任何其他 IEnumerable class 没有任何问题,我不需要另一个转换器。