IPMI 命令参考?

IPMI command reference?

我管理着大量的服务器,我正在尝试编写一个 bash 脚本来使用 ipmitool 检查它们的 BMC。这就是我正在做的事情的本质:

admin=$(ipmitool -U user -P pasw -I lanplus -H $ipmi user list | grep " user " | awk '{print }')
chn=$(ipmitool -U user -P pasw -I lanplus -H channel info | grep -e '^Channel.*info:' | awk '{print }')
ipmitool -U user -P pasw -I lanplus -H $ipmi user priv $admin 4 $chn
ipmitool -U user -P pasw -I lanplus -H $ipmi channel setaccess $chn $admin callin=on ipmi=on link=on privilege=4
ipmitool -U user -P pasw -I lanplus -H $ipmi sol payload enable $chn $admin
ipmitool -U user -P pasw -I lanplus -H $ipmi sol set volatile-bit-rate 115.2 $chn
ipmitool -U user -P pasw -I lanplus -H $ipmi sol set non-volatile-bit-rate 115.2 $chn
ipmitool -U user -P pasw -I lanplus -H $ipmi sol looptest 1

它工作正常,直到我到达 sol set ... 命令,但失败了:

Error setting SOL parameter 'set-in-progress': Attempt to set set-in-progress when not in set-complete state
Error: set of parameter "volatile-bit-rate" failed

从 ipmi shell 查看 sol set ...:

ipmitool -U user -P pasw -I lanplus -H $ipmi shell


ipmitool> sol set

SOL set usage: 

  sol set <parameter> <value> [channel] [noguard]

SOL set parameters and values: 

  set-in-progress             set-complete | set-in-progress | commit-write
  enabled                     true | false
  force-encryption            true | false
  force-authentication        true | false
  privilege-level             user | operator | admin | oem
  character-accumulate-level  <in 5 ms increments>
  character-send-threshold    N
  retry-count                 N
  retry-interval              <in 10 ms increments>
  non-volatile-bit-rate       serial | 9.6 | 19.2 | 38.4 | 57.6 | 115.2
  volatile-bit-rate           serial | 9.6 | 19.2 | 38.4 | 57.6 | 115.2

所以看起来好像可以手动设置它来完成 - 但就这么简单吗?这些命令的作用有参考手册吗?

以下是IPMI规范中[Set In Progress]的说明。





ipmitool sol set set-in-progress set-in-progress
ipmitool sol set xxxx
ipmitool sol set set-in-progress commit-write
ipmitool sol set set-in-progress set-complete

IPMI 规范:https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/servers/ipmi/ipmi-second-gen-interface-spec-v2-rev1-1.html