
Example of arc consistency does not imply satisfiability

我读到弧一致性并不意味着可满足性。 提供的例子是

X in D ∧ Y in D ∧ X ≠ Y ∧ X = Y

对于具有多个值的域 D。

我的理解是,对于 X(来自 D)的每个可能值,都有满足上述约束的 Y(来自同一个 D)的值。


我找到了 this 解释,我想我理解了我的错误。


A constraint is consistent if a subproblem, containing only that constraint and its variables and their domains:

  • has a solution
  • there is a solution when an arbitrary variable gets an arbitrary value from its domain

所以在我的例子中,原子约束 X ≠ YX = Y 是弧一致的,其中 X in D ∧ Y in DD 具有多个值。