如何在Angular2 +中的autoTable jspdf中根据条件更改单元格的文本颜色

How to change the text color of the cell on condition in autoTable jspdf in Angular2+

如果 'Target Data Type' 和 'Data Type Verified' 标题列的值不同,我想将文本颜色更改为红色并使用 autoTable jspdf 将其设为粗体。我尝试了一个代码,但它不起作用。我是用Angular2+写的。

  capture() {

    var doc = new jspdf('l', 'pt', 'a4');

    var cols= [ { title: 'Target Data Type', dataKey: 'tdataType' },  { title: 'Source Field Name', dataKey: 'sourceFieldName' },
    { title: 'Data Type Verified', dataKey: 'datatypeVerified' }]

    var tableData =[];
    for(var i = 0 ; i <this.responseData.length; i ++){
       'tdataType': this.responseData[i].tdataType  , 
        'sourceFieldName' :this.responseData[i]. sourceFieldName  ,'datatypeVerified'  :this.responseData[i].datatypeVerified })

    doc.autoTable(cols,tableData, {

      didParseCell: function(cell,data) {

          var tdElement;
          var tdElement2 ;
          if(cell.raw == 'Target Data Type'){

            tdElement = cell.raw.tdataType;
          if ( cell.raw == 'Data Type Verified' ) {

            tdElement2 = cell.raw.datatypeVerified;

        if(tdElement != tdElement2){
          cell.styles.textColor = [255,0,0];
          cell.styles.fontStyle = 'bold';



     document.getElementById('obj').dataset.data = doc.output("datauristring");

      var blob = doc.output("blob");


我解决了这个问题。通过遵循此代码 -

  capture() {

    var doc = new jspdf('l', 'pt', 'a4');

    var cols= [{ title: 'Id', dataKey: 'id' },
    { title: 'Source-Field Resolved Path', dataKey: 'sourceName' },  { title: 'Target Data Type', dataKey: 'tdataType' }, 
    { title: 'Data Type Verified', dataKey: 'datatypeVerified' }]

    var tableData =[];
    for(var i = 0 ; i <this.responseData.length; i ++){
      tableData.push({'id':this.responseData[i].id, 'sourceName': this.responseData[i]. sourceName  ,'tdataType': this.responseData[i].tdataType  , 'datatypeVerified'  :this.responseData[i].datatypeVerified,'backgroundColor': this.responseData[i].backgroundColor })
      doc.autoTable(cols,tableData, {

      didParseCell: function(cell,data) {

         console.log("Data = ", data)
         console.log("cell = ", cell)

          var tdElement;

            tdElement = cell.row.raw.backgroundColor

            console.log("tdElement = ", tdElement)
            if(tdElement == false && cell.column.raw.dataKey =="datatypeVerified" ){

              cell.cell.styles.fontStyle = 'bold';
              cell.cell.styles.textColor = [255,0,0]



     document.getElementById('obj').dataset.data = doc.output("datauristring");

      var blob = doc.output("blob");
