如何多次推送相同的 ViewController ?

How can I push the same ViewController more than once?

我有一个列表,我想显示它 3 次(当我单击特定单元格时,从一个列表到另一个列表)。为此,我正在使用包含我的 ListView 的 XIB。我还设置了一个 NavigationController 来播放推送动画。

这就是我在 rootViewController 中调用 pushViewController 方法的方式。

    case "Groupe" :
        //this is OK since it's the first time I push the ViewController
        let vueGroupe = vueListe!
        navigationController?.pushViewController(vueGroupe, animated: true)
        vueListe.navigationItem.title = "Groupe View";
    case "Categorie" :
        //this is not
        let vueCat = vueListe!
        service.getCategorie(ids: elem!)
        navigationController?.pushViewController(vueCat, animated: true)
        vueListe.navigationItem.title = "Groupe View";


"Pushing the same view controller instance more than once is not supported"

如何多次推送同一个 ViewController?

您应该创建 UIViewController 对象的新实例并推送它。


case "Groupe":
    let vueGroupe = VueListeViewController() // I would create a new view controller here as well
    navigationController?.pushViewController(vueGroupe, animated: true)
    vueListe.navigationItem.title = "Groupe View";
case "Categorie":
    let vueCat = VueListeViewController() // New instance
    service.getCategorie(ids: elem!)
    navigationController?.pushViewController(vueCat, animated: true)
    vueListe.navigationItem.title = "Groupe View";