使用 VBA 将数据从 Excel 打印为 PDF

Using VBA to Print Data From Excel to PDF

看似非常简单的问题,但我有一个 excel 电子表格,它使用 vba 代码截取某些内容的屏幕截图,将其粘贴到 'Screenshot' 选项卡中,然后将该选项卡导出到一个pdf。我的问题是我传递的分页符与似乎默认生成的分页符线不一致(?)...


Set Screen = Sheets("Screenshots")
Set Block = Sheets("BlockChart")
Set CopyRangeBlock = Block.Range("A1:N51")
Set PasteRange = Screen.Cells(1, 1)
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
CopyRangeBlock.CopyPicture xlScreen, xlPicture
Screen.Paste Destination:=PasteRange
Sheets("Screenshots").Rows(52).PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual
Application.CutCopyMode = False

屏幕截图的数据范围是 "A1:N:51",因此我在第 52 行放置了一个分页符。但是,在第 50 行出现了一个虚线分页符线(似乎默认情况下)。这搞砸了我导出为 pdf 并生成空白页。当我循环遍历代码以在 pdf 中生成多个页面时,这尤其是一个问题。我怎样才能使虚线不出现或与我设置的分页符匹配,这样我就不会得到额外的空白页?


重申一下,整个工作表都有预先确定的打印区域虚线。我基本上想修改这些(通过手动中断或其他方式),以便打印为 pdf 的每个页面都是适合我截图的数据的自定义尺寸。



请调整最后一行代码中的缩放级别,以获得打印在一页上的最大屏幕截图(例如 54 %)。如果您想自动计算它,请参阅此答案的第二个代码部分。

Private Sub CollectScreenshots()
    Dim wsSource As Worksheet, wsDestination As Worksheet
    Dim rngExampleRanges As Range
    Dim rngCopy As Range
    Dim rowPaste As Long
    Dim shpScreenshot As Shape

    Dim dlg As Dialog
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = True

    Set wsSource = Sheets("BlockChart")
    Set rngExampleRanges = wsSource.Range("A1:N51, A52:B53, C60:E99")
    Set wsDestination = Sheets("Screenshots")
    ' Copy all ranges as screenshot into destination worksheet:
    rowPaste = 1
    With wsDestination
        For Each rngCopy In rngExampleRanges.Areas
            rngCopy.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture
            If rowPaste > 1 Then .HPageBreaks.Add Before:=.Rows(rowPaste)
            .Paste Destination:=.Cells(rowPaste + 1, 1), Link:=False
            Set shpScreenshot = .Shapes(.Shapes.Count)
            rowPaste = shpScreenshot.BottomRightCell.Row + 1
        Next rngCopy
    End With
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    ' set appropriate zoom level
    wsDestination.PageSetup.Zoom = 54
End Sub



如果您有一个单元格区域,例如。 G。 A1:N51,必须打印在1页上,然后你可以像这样手动设置页面对话框参数:

  • 定义打印区域为A1:N51
  • 将缩放设置为 1 个页面宽度和 1 个页面高度
  • 然后您可以在页面设置对话框中直观地看到计算出的缩放级别。

遗憾的是,您无法通过 VBA 直接读取此缩放级别,因为 Worksheet.PageSetup.Zoom 在这种情况下仅 returns False。如果您敦促 Excel 使用缩放级别,例如。 G。通过将 FitToPagesWide 设置为 False,Excel 计算出新的缩放级别。

要读取计算出的缩放级别,您必须将键盘快捷键发送到页面设置对话框。要为此获得正确的键盘快捷键,请在页面设置对话框中检查哪个快捷键用于缩放级别。在我的德语 Excel 版本中,它是 Alt + V.


    ' get cell dimensions of the largest screenshot:
    Dim maxVerticalCells, maxHorizontalCells
    For Each shpScreenshot In wsDestination.Shapes
        maxVerticalCells = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max( _
            maxVerticalCells, _
            shpScreenshot.BottomRightCell.Row - shpScreenshot.TopLeftCell.Row + 1)
        maxHorizontalCells = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max( _
            maxHorizontalCells, _
            shpScreenshot.BottomRightCell.Column - shpScreenshot.TopLeftCell.Column + 1)
    Next shpScreenshot
    ' set appropriate zoom level
    With wsDestination
        ' Simulate a print area with required dimensions to get it printed to 1 page
        .PageSetup.Zoom = False
        .PageSetup.FitToPagesWide = 1
        .PageSetup.FitToPagesTall = 1
        .PageSetup.PrintArea = _
            .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(maxVerticalCells, maxHorizontalCells)).Address
        ' change the page setup to automatic and keep previous zoom level
        ' by sending keys to page setup dialog
        Dim strKeys As String
        strKeys = "P"               ' key "P" for first tab in that dialog
        strKeys = strKeys & "%V"    ' key <Alt>+<V> for automatic zoom (German, might be %A in other countries)
        strKeys = strKeys & "~"     ' key <Enter>
        SendKeys strKeys            ' send keys to following dialog
        Dim myZoomlevel As Double
        myZoomlevel = .PageSetup.Zoom
        ' Reset print area, reset automatic page adaption, use previous zoom level
        .PageSetup.PrintArea = ""
        .PageSetup.FitToPagesWide = False
        .PageSetup.FitToPagesTall = False
        .PageSetup.Zoom = myZoomlevel
    End With