为什么 Spring Webflow 没有 Spring 启动器

Why there is not Spring Boot starter for Spring Webflow

试图理解为什么 Spring Webflow 没有 Spring 启动器。该技术看起来不像已弃用的技术,或者我在这里错了?

可能是因为它建立在 Spring MVC 之上。所以如果它是自动配置的,你只需要添加流依赖并定义流定义在哪里。所有其他都是习俗,所以我认为这太过分了。但这只是我的意见。

this Spring Boot issue 中有一些关于为 Web Flow 添加启动器的讨论,Phil Webb 在 2014 年说:

I think on balance there isn't the audience for a dedicated Web Flow starter so I'm closing this one for now.

Thanks for the suggestion, if we get a lot of comments on this issue we can reconsider.

在这之后的 5 年里,只有少数人表达了兴趣。目前看来,需求似乎还不够。

有关在 Spring-Boot 中创建此类启动程序的问题刚刚被 Phil Web



Although Spring Web Flow still serves a purpose and is being maintained, we don't feel like it's a good candidate to have support out of the box in Spring Boot. We're mainly seeing developers opt for richer Javascript frameworks when they need flow style applications, and we'd rather encourage that direction.Sorry to everyone that's tracking the issue, but we have no plans to add Spring Web Flow support.