执行压力测试时 HTTP 和 HTTPS 之间的区别

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS while performing Stress Tests

我正在使用 Jmeter 对移动应用程序进行压力测试/负载测试。 问题是,当我使用 HTTP 执行测试时它工作正常,但使用 HTTPS 会使服务器宕机。

HTTPS 中是否包含阻止大量同时查询的机制?请问是什么问题?

编辑:问题是关于 Jmeter 和 HTTP/HTTPS。 Jmeter 模拟一个查询并开始重新发送它,如 1000、2000 等...指定时间间隔的时间。使用 Jmeter 和 HTTP 是可行的,但是 Jmeter 和 HTTPS 会使服务器宕机。 HTTPS 是否有可能将测试归类为 DoS 攻击并阻止它的内部机制?

请注意 HTTP 和 HTTPS 使用不同的端口


关于性能it depends,但总体而言~无关紧要

HTTPS requires an initial handshake which can be very slow. The actual amount of data transferred as part of the handshake isn't huge (under 5 kB typically), but for very small requests, this can be quite a bit of overhead. However, once the handshake is done, a very fast form of symmetric encryption is used, so the overhead there is minimal. Bottom line: making lots of short requests over HTTPS will be quite a bit slower than HTTP, but if you transfer a lot of data in a single request, the difference will be insignificant.