如何修复 Twitter 的 30 天沙盒搜索中的错误代码 403?

How to fix error code 403 on Twitter's 30 day sandbox search?

我正在尝试从 Twitter 的 30 天沙盒搜索中收集推文 API 并将它们写入 csv 文件。我收到错误代码 403,但我无法从错误消息中收集到任何有用的信息。我查看了相关帖子,我要么已经尝试过他们所说的解决问题的方法,要么他们正在尝试做一些完全不同的事情(错误代码 403 似乎是许多类型问题的综合错误代码)

我已经能够从标准搜索中收集推文,但我需要的数据比过去 7 到 9 天内可用的数据还要多。我在 Twitter 上有一个开发者帐户,在我的仪表板上,它显示我在 30 天搜索沙盒中本月仍有 250 个请求和 100 万条推文(我使用了 0)


import csv
import settings as sett #file that includes my access token, consumer key and the secrets of each.
from TwitterAPI import TwitterAPI

api = TwitterAPI(sett.consumer_key, sett.consumer_secret, sett.access_token, sett.access_token_secret)
r = api.request('tweets/search/30day/:maruchan.json', {'query' : 'maruchan'})
                                     #^.......^To be honest I don't know what is supposed to go here, I just put something random, this might be the problem....

csvFile = open('maruchan.csv', 'a')
#Use csv Writer
csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)

for tweet in r:

        #Write a row to the csv file/ I use encode utf-8
        csvWriter.writerow([tweet.created_at, tweet.full_text.encode('utf-8'), tweet.favorite_count, tweet.retweet_count, tweet.id, tweet.user.screen_name])
    except tweepy.TweepError:

当我在我的 Jupyter notebook 中 运行 时,出现以下错误:

TwitterRequestError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-122-0fe9d55ba54b> in <module>
     15 csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)
---> 17 for tweet in r:
     19     try:

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\TwitterAPI\TwitterAPI.py in __iter__(self)
    217         :raises: TwitterConnectionError, TwitterRequestError
    218         """
--> 219         return self.get_iterator()
    221     def get_quota(self):

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\TwitterAPI\TwitterAPI.py in get_iterator(self)
    204         """
    205         if self.response.status_code != 200:
--> 206             raise TwitterRequestError(self.response.status_code)
    208         if self.stream:

TwitterRequestError: Twitter request failed (403)


我明白我的问题是什么了。端点错误,csvWriter.writerow 的输入也错误。

端点: 对于端点,您的环境名称是通过转到您的 Twitter 开发者帐户找到的,在顶部 right-hand 的角落有一个 drop-down 菜单,上面有您的用户名,单击 "Dev environments"。这应该将您带到您的开发环境列表,每个环境应该是 "Dev environment label"(在我的例子中,标签是 "research")。获取标签并将其放入您的 API 请求中,前面有一个冒号,后面没有“.json”。注意:对于完整的存档搜索,只需将“30day”替换为 "fullarchive".

CSV 输入: 对于 CSV 输入,它们需要采用 tweet['aspect'] 的格式,其中 tweet 是我们迭代的任意变量名称,'aspect' 是请求的数据类型(例如 'text' 或 'created_at')


import csv
import settings as sett #file that includes my access token, consumer key and the secrets of each. You get these by applying for a developer account and making an app
from TwitterAPI import TwitterAPI

api = TwitterAPI(sett.consumer_key, sett.consumer_secret, sett.access_token, sett.access_token_secret) #tells the Twitter API who you are.
r = api.request('tweets/search/30day/:research', {'query' : 'maruchan lang:en', #maruchan is the search term and lang:en filters for english results
                                                  "maxResults": "100", #number of tweets collected (starting from newer tweets)
                                                  "fromDate":"201906250000", #start data
                                                  "toDate":"201907010000" #end data (tweets will only be collected between these dates)
                                                           #YYYYMMDDHHmm #format of the fromDate and toDate input values

csvFile = open('maruchan_30_day_sandbox.csv', 'a') #'maruchan_30_day_sandbox.csv' is file name, 'a' is for append mode
#Use csv Writer
csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)

for tweet in r:
    #creates csv file with the listed elements seperated by a comma in each row         #encode('utf-8') helps read certain characters
    csvWriter.writerow([tweet['created_at'], tweet['user']['screen_name'], tweet['text'].encode('utf-8') if 'text' in tweet else tweet])