Coloring edges based on node label (edges connecting similar and dissimilar colored differently)
我有一个基于二进制邻接矩阵构建的 300 个节点的无向网络。 50 个节点标记为 minority
,其余节点标记为 majority
和 between.minomajo
我已经看到基于节点之一着色边的方法,例如 this but this is not my problem. I also have tried ,但无法使其适应我的问题。
# making the binary matrix
m.non_sym <- matrix(sample(0:1, 7, replace=TRUE), 10, 10)
# making it symmetrical
m.lower <- lower.tri(m.non_sym)*m.non_sym
m <- m.lower + t(m.lower)
diag(m) <- 0
# making the graph
g <- m %>% graph_from_adjacency_matrix(mode="undirected")
# assigning labels
V(g)$partition <- c(rep("minority", 4),
rep("majority", 6))
# plotting the graph
g %>% plot(vertex.size=10,
vertex.color=c("skyblue", "pink")[1+(V(g)$partition=="majority")],
edge.width = 3)
您可以使用 %--%
选择器查找满足您条件的边并设置它们 color
# select edges and set color
E(g)[V(g)[partition == "minority"] %--% V(g)[partition == "minority"]]$color <- "blue" # within.mino
E(g)[V(g)[partition == "minority"] %--% V(g)[partition == "majority"]]$color <- "red" # between.minomajo
E(g)[V(g)[partition == "majority"] %--% V(g)[partition == "majority"]]$color <- "yellow" # within.majo
# plot
g %>% plot(vertex.size = 10,
vertex.color = c("skyblue", "pink")[1 + (V(g)$partition == "majority")],
edge.width = 3)
如果需要,您也可以使用 label
而不是 color
E(g)[V(g)[partition == "minority"] %--% V(g)[partition == "minority"]]$label <- "within.mino"
E(g)[V(g)[partition == "minority"] %--% V(g)[partition == "majority"]]$label <- "between.minomajo"
E(g)[V(g)[partition == "majority"] %--% V(g)[partition == "majority"]]$label <- "within.majo"
g %>% plot(vertex.size = 10,
vertex.color = c("skyblue", "pink")[1 + (V(g)$partition == "majority")],
edge.width = 3)
我有一个基于二进制邻接矩阵构建的 300 个节点的无向网络。 50 个节点标记为 minority
,其余节点标记为 majority
和 between.minomajo
我已经看到基于节点之一着色边的方法,例如 this but this is not my problem. I also have tried
# making the binary matrix
m.non_sym <- matrix(sample(0:1, 7, replace=TRUE), 10, 10)
# making it symmetrical
m.lower <- lower.tri(m.non_sym)*m.non_sym
m <- m.lower + t(m.lower)
diag(m) <- 0
# making the graph
g <- m %>% graph_from_adjacency_matrix(mode="undirected")
# assigning labels
V(g)$partition <- c(rep("minority", 4),
rep("majority", 6))
# plotting the graph
g %>% plot(vertex.size=10,
vertex.color=c("skyblue", "pink")[1+(V(g)$partition=="majority")],
edge.width = 3)
您可以使用 %--%
选择器查找满足您条件的边并设置它们 color
# select edges and set color
E(g)[V(g)[partition == "minority"] %--% V(g)[partition == "minority"]]$color <- "blue" # within.mino
E(g)[V(g)[partition == "minority"] %--% V(g)[partition == "majority"]]$color <- "red" # between.minomajo
E(g)[V(g)[partition == "majority"] %--% V(g)[partition == "majority"]]$color <- "yellow" # within.majo
# plot
g %>% plot(vertex.size = 10,
vertex.color = c("skyblue", "pink")[1 + (V(g)$partition == "majority")],
edge.width = 3)
如果需要,您也可以使用 label
而不是 color
E(g)[V(g)[partition == "minority"] %--% V(g)[partition == "minority"]]$label <- "within.mino"
E(g)[V(g)[partition == "minority"] %--% V(g)[partition == "majority"]]$label <- "between.minomajo"
E(g)[V(g)[partition == "majority"] %--% V(g)[partition == "majority"]]$label <- "within.majo"
g %>% plot(vertex.size = 10,
vertex.color = c("skyblue", "pink")[1 + (V(g)$partition == "majority")],
edge.width = 3)