使用 Boost Spirit/Fusion 轻松解析带有枚举字段和 STL 容器的结构

Parsing struct with enum fields and STL containers easily using Boost Spirit/Fusion

boost 新手,我实际上需要 boost 精神来编写一个简单的解析器来填充一些数据结构。


struct Task
    const string dataname;
    const Level level;
    const string aggregator;
    const set<string> groupby;
    void operator();

struct Schedule
    map<Level, ComputeTask> tasks;
    // I have left just to make it seems that 
    // the struct wrapping over the map is not
    // useless (this is not the full code)
    void operator()(const InstancePtr &node); 

关于 Task,我不知道如何使用 employee example 中提到的 BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT 或变体,使其与枚举和 STL 容器一起工作字段。


我正在设计文件格式,结构定义和文件格式可能会改变,所以我更喜欢使用 boost 而不是手工制作但难以维护的代码。我这样做也是为了学习。


level: level operation name on(data1, data2, data3)
level: level operation name on()
level: level operation name on(data1, data2)

一行是mapSchedule中的一个入口,:前面是key,其余的定义了Task。 其中 level 被替换为对应于 enum Level 的一些级别关键字,类似 operation 的情况, name 是允许的名称之一(在一组关键字中),on() 是关键字,括号内是用户提供的零个或多个字符串,应填充 Task 中的 set<string> groupby 字段。






enum class Level { One, Two, Three, LEVEL };

Sidenote: the std::set<> might need to be a sequential container, because usually groupby operations are not commutative (the order matters). I don't know about your domain, of course,


BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ComputeTask, level, aggregator, dataname, groupby)



template <typename It>
struct Parser : qi::grammar<It, Schedule()> {
    Parser() : Parser::base_type(_start) {
        using namespace qi;

        _any_word    = lexeme [ +char_("a-zA-Z0-9-_./") ];
        _operation   = _any_word; // TODO
        _group_field = _any_word; // TODO
        _dataname    = _any_word; // TODO

        _level       = no_case [ _level_sym ];
        _groupby     = '(' >> -(_group_field % ',') >> ')';
        _task        = _level >> _operation >> _dataname >> "on" >> _groupby;
        _entry       = _level >> ':' >> _task;
        _schedule    = _entry % eol;
        _start       = skip(blank) [ _schedule ];

    struct level_sym : qi::symbols<char, Level> {
        level_sym() { this->add
            ("one", Level::One)
            ("two", Level::Two)
            ("three", Level::Three)
            ("level", Level::LEVEL);
    } _level_sym;

    // lexemes
    qi::rule<It, std::string()> _any_word;
    qi::rule<It, std::string()> _operation, _dataname, _group_field; // TODO
    qi::rule<It, Level()> _level;

    using Skipper = qi::blank_type;
    using Table = decltype(Schedule::tasks);
    using Entry = std::pair<Level, ComputeTask>;

    qi::rule<It, std::set<std::string>(), Skipper> _groupby;
    qi::rule<It, ComputeTask(), Skipper> _task;
    qi::rule<It, Entry(), Skipper> _entry;
    qi::rule<It, Table(), Skipper> _schedule;
    qi::rule<It, Schedule()> _start;

我将输入更改为在计划中具有 Level 的唯一键,否则实际上只会产生一个条目。

int main() {
    Parser<std::string::const_iterator> const parser;

    for (std::string const input : { R"(ONE: level operation name on(data1, data2, data3)
TWO: level operation name on()
THREE: level operation name on(data1, data2))" })
        auto f = begin(input), l = end(input);
        Schedule s;
        if (parse(f, l, parser, s)) {
            std::cout << "Parsed\n";
            for (auto& [level, task] : s.tasks) {
                std::cout << level << ": " << task << "\n";
        } else {
            std::cout << "Failed\n";

        if (f != l) {
            std::cout << "Remaining unparsed input: " << std::quoted(std::string(f,l)) << "\n";


One: LEVEL operation name on (data1, data2, data3)
Two: LEVEL operation name on ()
Three: LEVEL operation name on (data1, data2)


  <try>ONE: level operation</try>
    <try>ONE: level operation</try>
      <try>ONE: level operation</try>
      <success>: level operation na</success>
      <try> level operation nam</try>
        <try>level operation name</try>
        <success> operation name on(d</success>
        <try>operation name on(da</try>
        <success> name on(data1, data</success>
        <attributes>[[o, p, e, r, a, t, i, o, n]]</attributes>
        <try>name on(data1, data2</try>
        <success> on(data1, data2, da</success>
        <attributes>[[n, a, m, e]]</attributes>
        <try>(data1, data2, data3</try>
          <try>data1, data2, data3)</try>
          <success>, data2, data3)\nTWO:</success>
          <attributes>[[d, a, t, a, 1]]</attributes>
          <try>data2, data3)\nTWO: l</try>
          <success>, data3)\nTWO: level </success>
          <attributes>[[d, a, t, a, 2]]</attributes>
          <try>data3)\nTWO: level op</try>
          <success>)\nTWO: level operati</success>
          <attributes>[[d, a, t, a, 3]]</attributes>
        <success>\nTWO: level operatio</success>
        <attributes>[[[d, a, t, a, 1], [d, a, t, a, 2], [d, a, t, a, 3]]]</attributes>
      <success>\nTWO: level operatio</success>
      <attributes>[[LEVEL, [o, p, e, r, a, t, i, o, n], [n, a, m, e], [[d, a, t, a, 1], [d, a, t, a, 2], [d, a, t, a, 3]]]]</attributes>
      <try>TWO: level operation</try>
      <success>: level operation na</success>
      <try> level operation nam</try>
        <try>level operation name</try>
        <success> operation name on()</success>
        <try>operation name on()\n</try>
        <success> name on()\nTHREE: le</success>
        <attributes>[[o, p, e, r, a, t, i, o, n]]</attributes>
        <try>name on()\nTHREE: lev</try>
        <success> on()\nTHREE: level o</success>
        <attributes>[[n, a, m, e]]</attributes>
        <try>()\nTHREE: level oper</try>
          <try>)\nTHREE: level opera</try>
        <success>\nTHREE: level operat</success>
      <success>\nTHREE: level operat</success>
      <attributes>[[LEVEL, [o, p, e, r, a, t, i, o, n], [n, a, m, e], []]]</attributes>
      <try>THREE: level operati</try>
      <success>: level operation na</success>
      <try> level operation nam</try>
        <try>level operation name</try>
        <success> operation name on(d</success>
        <try>operation name on(da</try>
        <success> name on(data1, data</success>
        <attributes>[[o, p, e, r, a, t, i, o, n]]</attributes>
        <try>name on(data1, data2</try>
        <success> on(data1, data2)</success>
        <attributes>[[n, a, m, e]]</attributes>
        <try>(data1, data2)</try>
          <try>data1, data2)</try>
          <success>, data2)</success>
          <attributes>[[d, a, t, a, 1]]</attributes>
          <attributes>[[d, a, t, a, 2]]</attributes>
        <attributes>[[[d, a, t, a, 1], [d, a, t, a, 2]]]</attributes>
      <attributes>[[LEVEL, [o, p, e, r, a, t, i, o, n], [n, a, m, e], [[d, a, t, a, 1], [d, a, t, a, 2]]]]</attributes>
    <attributes>[[[One, [LEVEL, [o, p, e, r, a, t, i, o, n], [n, a, m, e], [[d, a, t, a, 1], [d, a, t, a, 2], [d, a, t, a, 3]]]], [Two, [LEVEL, [o, p, e, r, a, t, i, o, n], [n, a, m, e], []]], [Three, [LEVEL, [o, p, e, r, a, t, i, o, n], [n, a, m, e], [[d, a, t, a, 1], [d, a, t, a, 2]]]]]]</attributes>
  <attributes>[[[[One, [LEVEL, [o, p, e, r, a, t, i, o, n], [n, a, m, e], [[d, a, t, a, 1], [d, a, t, a, 2], [d, a, t, a, 3]]]], [Two, [LEVEL, [o, p, e, r, a, t, i, o, n], [n, a, m, e], []]], [Three, [LEVEL, [o, p, e, r, a, t, i, o, n], [n, a, m, e], [[d, a, t, a, 1], [d, a, t, a, 2]]]]]]]</attributes>


Live On Coliru

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <experimental/iterator>

enum class Level { One, Two, Three, LEVEL };

struct ComputeTask {
    std::string dataname;
    Level level;
    std::string aggregator;
    std::set<std::string> groupby;

struct Schedule {
    std::map<Level, ComputeTask> tasks;

static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Level l) {
    switch(l) {
        case Level::One: return os << "One";
        case Level::Two: return os << "Two";
        case Level::Three: return os << "Three";
        case Level::LEVEL: return os << "LEVEL";
    return os << "?";

static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ComputeTask const& task) {
    os << task.level << ' ' << task.aggregator << ' ' << task.dataname << " on (";
    copy(begin(task.groupby), end(task.groupby), std::experimental::make_ostream_joiner(os, ", "));
    return os << ')';

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ComputeTask, level, aggregator, dataname, groupby)

namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;

template <typename It>
struct Parser : qi::grammar<It, Schedule()> {
    Parser() : Parser::base_type(_start) {
        using namespace qi;

        _any_word    = lexeme [ +char_("a-zA-Z0-9-_./") ];
        _operation   = _any_word; // TODO
        _group_field = _any_word; // TODO
        _dataname    = _any_word; // TODO

        _level       = no_case [ _level_sym ];
        _groupby     = '(' >> -(_group_field % ',') >> ')';
        _task        = _level >> _operation >> _dataname >> "on" >> _groupby;
        _entry       = _level >> ':' >> _task;
        _schedule    = _entry % eol;
        _start       = skip(blank) [ _schedule ];

    struct level_sym : qi::symbols<char, Level> {
        level_sym() { this->add
            ("one", Level::One)
            ("two", Level::Two)
            ("three", Level::Three)
            ("level", Level::LEVEL);
    } _level_sym;

    // lexemes
    qi::rule<It, std::string()> _any_word;
    qi::rule<It, std::string()> _operation, _dataname, _group_field; // TODO
    qi::rule<It, Level()> _level;

    using Skipper = qi::blank_type;
    using Table = decltype(Schedule::tasks);
    using Entry = std::pair<Level, ComputeTask>;

    qi::rule<It, std::set<std::string>(), Skipper> _groupby;
    qi::rule<It, ComputeTask(), Skipper> _task;
    qi::rule<It, Entry(), Skipper> _entry;
    qi::rule<It, Table(), Skipper> _schedule;
    qi::rule<It, Schedule()> _start;

int main() {
    Parser<std::string::const_iterator> const parser;

    for (std::string const input : { R"(ONE: level operation name on(data1, data2, data3)
TWO: level operation name on()
THREE: level operation name on(data1, data2))" })
        auto f = begin(input), l = end(input);
        Schedule s;
        if (parse(f, l, parser, s)) {
            std::cout << "Parsed\n";
            for (auto& [level, task] : s.tasks) {
                std::cout << level << ": " << task << "\n";
        } else {
            std::cout << "Failed\n";

        if (f != l) {
            std::cout << "Remaining unparsed input: " << std::quoted(std::string(f,l)) << "\n";

我会推荐用户@sehe 的解决方案。这非常灵活。

但我也想分享纯C++的解决方案。正如我在上面的评论中所写的那样,您的输入语言非常简单。您甚至可以使用标准提取器运算符读取第一个元素。其余部分可以使用 std::istream:iterator.


您也可以使用 C++ std::regex 来验证输入。因为您的语言是 Chomsky-Type-3 常规语言,所以这很容易实现。而如果输入的字符串有效,则可以使用std::regex个元素和std::regex_token_iterator来获取数据。

我为您创建了一个示例。数据打包在一个结构中。对于这个结构,我已经覆盖了插入器和提取器运算符。使用 std::iostream 函数可以轻松输入和输出。

在 main 中,我有一个 one-liner 用于读取完整的输入文件并将数据放入向量中。所以,我用构造函数参数定义变量。就是这样。所有数据都将根据需要提供。出于调试目的,我将结果打印在屏幕上。


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <iterator>
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>

std::istringstream testData(
R"#(level1: levelA operation0 name0 on(data10, data12, data13)
level2: levelB operation1 name1 on(  data1  )
level3: levelC operation2 name2 on()
level4: levelD operation3 name3 on(data2, data3)
level5: levelE operation4 name4 on(data4, data5, data6, data7)
level6: levelF operation5 name5 on(data8, data9)

const std::regex InputFileRegEx(R"#((\w+)(?:[\:\s]+)(\w+)(?:\s+)(\w+)(?:\s+)(\w+)(?:\s+)(?:on\s*\()(.*)(?:\)))#");

struct Data
{   // Our Data
    std::string levelLeft{};            // Left Element for Map
    struct Right{                       // Right element for Map. Sub Struct
        std::string levelRight{};
        std::string operation{};
        std::string name{};
        std::vector<std::string> data;  // The data in the on( section
    } r;

    // Overload the extractor operator. With that someting like "Data d;std::cin >> d; " is easiliy possible
    friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, Data& d) {
        std::string line; getline(is, line);                // Read a complete line
        std::smatch sm{};                                   // Prepare match result values
        if (std::regex_match(line, sm, InputFileRegEx)) {   // CHeck, if the input string is valid
            // Copy all data
            d.levelLeft = sm[1]; d.r.levelRight = sm[2]; d.r.operation = sm[3]; d.r.name = sm[4]; std::string str(sm[5]);
            str.erase(remove_if(str.begin(), str.end(), isspace), str.end()); std::regex comma(","); d.r.data.clear();
            if (str.size()) std::copy(std::sregex_token_iterator(str.begin(), str.end(), comma, -1), std::sregex_token_iterator(), std::back_inserter(d.r.data));
        else is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
        return is;
    // Overload inserter operator. Only for debug purposes and for illustration
    friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Data& d) {
        // Print normal data members
        std::cout << d.levelLeft << " :: " << d.r.levelRight << ' ' << d.r.operation << ' ' << d.r.name << " --> ";
        // Print the mebers of the vector
        std::copy(d.r.data.begin(), d.r.data.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(os, " "));std::cout << '\n';
        return os;

using MyMap = std::map<std::string, Data::Right>;

int main()
    // Read all test data in an array of test data. The one-Liner  :-)
    std::vector<Data> dataAll{std::istream_iterator<Data>(testData), std::istream_iterator<Data>() };

    // For debug purposes. Print to console
    std::copy(dataAll.begin(), dataAll.end(), std::ostream_iterator<Data>(std::cout, "\n"));

    MyMap myMap{};  // Put all Data in map
    for (const Data& d : dataAll) myMap[d.levelLeft] = d.r;

    return 0;

所以,main 函数很小,其余的也不是真正的大代码。比较简单。
