使用 Node.js 让 Facebook Messenger 在 BotFramework v4 中显示 QnA 跟进提示

Getting Facebook Messenger to show QnA Follow-Up Prompts in BotFramework v4 using Node.js

我正在尝试弄清楚如何使用 BotFramework v4 和 Node.js.

让 Facebook Messenger 显示来自 QnA Maker 的后续提示

我已经设法在 WebChat 中显示后续提示:

我遵循了 Matt Stannett 在此线程中的重要建议后成功解决了这个问题:

但是,要让它们出现在 Facebook Messenger 中,我真的很费劲。

我希望它会像在我的 onMessage 代码中为 Facebook 快速回复定义一些 channelData 一样简单,因为我只需要 Facebook 传回一个简单的文本负载。我想我可以用类似的方式来做,我得到了显示网络聊天的提示,代码如下:

this.onMessage(async (context, next) => {
        this.logger.log('Processing a Message Activity');

        const qnaResults = await this.qnaMaker.getAnswers(context);

        // Show choices if the Facebook Payload from ChannelData is not handled
        if (!await this.processFacebookPayload(context, context.activity.channelData)) {
            if (context.activity.channelId == 'facebook') {
              if (qnaResults[0]) {
                const { answer, context: { prompts }} = qnaResults[0];

                let reply;
                if (prompts.length) {

                  const quickReply = {
                    channelData: {
                        "text":"test1", //answer,
                            "title":"test2",//prompts.map({ displayText }),
                            "payload":"test3",//prompts.map({ displayText })

                    reply = quickReply;
                  } else {
                    reply = answer;

                  await context.sendActivity(reply);

              // If no answers were returned from QnA Maker, reply with help.
              } else {
                  await context.sendActivity('I\'m sorry, I don\'t have an answer for that. Please ask me something else, such as: \n\n "What Is Mental Health?" \n\n "What Is NeuroDiversity" \n\n "Help"');

            } else {

            // If an answer was received from QnA Maker, send the answer back to the user.
            if (qnaResults[0]) {
              const { answer, context: { prompts }} = qnaResults[0];

              let reply;
              if (prompts.length) {

                const card = {
                  "type": "AdaptiveCard",
                  "body": [
                      "type": "TextBlock",
                      "text": answer,
                      wrap: true
                "actions": prompts.map(({ displayText }) => ({ type: "Action.Submit", title: displayText, data: displayText })),
                "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json",
                "version": "1.1"

                  reply = { attachments: [CardFactory.adaptiveCard(card)] };
                } else {
                  reply = answer;

                await context.sendActivity(reply);

            // If no answers were returned from QnA Maker, reply with help.
            } else {
                await context.sendActivity('I\'m sorry, I don\'t have an answer for that. Please ask me something else, such as: \n\n "What Is Mental Health?" \n\n "What Is NeuroDiversity" \n\n "Help"');


        // By calling next() you ensure that the next BotHandler is run.
        await next();

虽然这不起作用。我得到的是 QnA 对我提出的任何问题的回复,这些问题在 QnA Maker 中没有设置后续提示,所以我知道 IF 语句正确地将 Facebook 标识为一个频道,并且答案有后续提示与之相关。我想我只是没有获得 Facebook 快速回复的正确代码。




const quickReply = {
                    channelData: {
                        text: answer,
                        quick_replies: [
                            content_type: "text",
                            title: "Prompt 1",
                            payload: "Prompt 1"
                            content_type: "text",
                            title: "Prompt 2",
                            payload: "Prompt 2"

然后您可以创建一个变量以将 follow-up 提示插入频道数据:

var qnaPrompts = null;
if(qnaResults[0].context != null){
   qnaPrompts = qnaResults[0].context.prompts;


var qnaPromptsArray = qnaPrompts.map(obj =>{
   return {content_type: "text", title: obj.displayText, payload: obj.displayText}

如果您按如下方式更新快速回复,现在会在 Facebook Messenger 中显示 QnA follow-up 提示作为快速回复:

const quickReply = {
   channelData: {
      text: answer,
      quick_replies: qnaPromptsArray

最后要解决的问题是如何将有效载荷 re-format 返回到 QnA 以使其接受的格式。为此,您需要将 turnContext 调整为 Activity.Text 中的字符串,如下所示,然后调用 QnA:

turnContext.activity.text = quickReply.payload;
const qnaResults = await this.qnaMaker.getAnswers(turnContext);