黄瓜 5:从特征文件中获取步骤名称,不包括小黄瓜语法(给定、何时、然后和)
Cucumber 5: Get step name from feature file excluding gherkin syntax (given, when, then, and)
所以我需要获取 gherkin 语法后的测试步骤描述
Feature: User trades stocks Scenario: User requests a sell before close of trading
Given I have 100 shares of MSFT stock
And I have 150 shares of APPL stock
And the time is before close of trading
I have 100 shares of MSFT stock
I have 150 shares of APPL stock
the time is before close of trading
我在将黄瓜更新到 v5.0.0-RC1 时发现了这些:
谁能帮我截一段?需要传递给 AfterStep 和 BeforeStep 的对象是什么?
这是 cucumber v4.3.1 的代码解决方案(在 serviceHook class 中)。
PickleStepTestStep currentStep;
private int counter = 0;
public void getStepName(Scenario scenario) throws Exception {
Field f = scenario.getClass().getDeclaredField("testCase");
TestCase r = (TestCase) f.get(scenario);
List<PickleStepTestStep> stepDefs = r.getTestSteps()
.filter(x -> x instanceof PickleStepTestStep)
.map(x -> (PickleStepTestStep) x)
currentStep = stepDefs.get(counter);
public void afterStep(Scenario scenario) {
counter += 1;
所以我需要获取 gherkin 语法后的测试步骤描述
Feature: User trades stocks Scenario: User requests a sell before close of trading Given I have 100 shares of MSFT stock And I have 150 shares of APPL stock And the time is before close of trading
I have 100 shares of MSFT stock
I have 150 shares of APPL stock
the time is before close of trading
我在将黄瓜更新到 v5.0.0-RC1 时发现了这些:
谁能帮我截一段?需要传递给 AfterStep 和 BeforeStep 的对象是什么?
这是 cucumber v4.3.1 的代码解决方案(在 serviceHook class 中)。
PickleStepTestStep currentStep;
private int counter = 0;
public void getStepName(Scenario scenario) throws Exception {
Field f = scenario.getClass().getDeclaredField("testCase");
TestCase r = (TestCase) f.get(scenario);
List<PickleStepTestStep> stepDefs = r.getTestSteps()
.filter(x -> x instanceof PickleStepTestStep)
.map(x -> (PickleStepTestStep) x)
currentStep = stepDefs.get(counter);
public void afterStep(Scenario scenario) {
counter += 1;