SAML PHP 以 azure 为我的工具包

SAML PHP Toolkit with azure as my

我正在使用 saml php 工具包,旨在将 azure 作为 idp 进行身份验证。!任何人都可以在这里。可以帮我做idp配置提交和接收回复

您可以从 It shows us a lot of scenarios. Based on your description, you have not described your scenario's details, so it is a bit difficult for us to provide more information at this stage. However since you're using SAML, I’d like to suggest you to look at the first scenario in the document: Web Browser to Web Application. Detailed registration guideline can be found at After Azure registration is complete, it’s needed to follow the steps in to register in OneLogin. Please use the URL like[TenantDomainName]/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml instead of OneLogin's own identity provider URL. More information can be found at 开始。如果您需要进一步的帮助,请随时告诉我们。