将 Excel table 宏操作为另一种格式。删除重复项并重新格式化
Manipulate Excel table macro to another format. Remove duplicates and reformat
我的 VBA 旅程大约有 2 个月,我遇到了一个无法在线找到解决方案的问题。我在将 Excel table 转换为由我编写的另一个宏创建的另一种格式时遇到问题。我有一个 table,在不同的行上列出了国家和人物的名字,在几行中列出。我希望它是动态的,因为这个 table 每天都会更新
Sub ManipulateTable()
Dim Country as String
Dim USA as Range
Dim EU as Range
Dim India as Range
Const StartRow As Byte = 7
Dim LastRow as Long
LastRow = Range("A" & StartRow.(End(xlDown).Row
For i StartRow to LastRow
Country = Range("A" & i).Value
If Country = "USA" Then Range("C" & i).value = 1
If Country = "EU" Then Range("C" & i).value = 2
If Country = "India" Then Range("C" & i).value = 3
Next i
' This to remove duplicates from column a
Range("A7:A30").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1). Header:= xlYes
' I thinking that I need to create a loop here
' But I dont know where to start
For i StartRow to LastRow
Countryindex = Range("C").Value
If Countryindex = 1 Then put under USA
If Countryindex = 2 Then put under EU
我的 Table 看起来像这样,有单独的列
"A" "B"
1 USA Sales
2 USA Employment Figures
3 USA Tax
4 EU Sales
5 EU Employment Figures
6 India Sales
7 India Expenses
8 India Employment Figures
1 USA: (With some color)
2 Sales
3 Employment
4 Tax
5 EU: (With some color)
6 Sales
7 Employment
8 India: (With some color)
9 Sales
10 Expenses
11 Employment
Country Data Time
Data Time
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim iter As Long
Dim diter As Long
Dim countrydict As Object
Dim country As String
Dim data As String
Dim key As Variant
Set countrydict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With ActiveSheet
lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
For iter = 1 To lastrow
country = Trim(.Cells(iter, 1).value)
data = Trim(.Cells(iter, 2).value)
If countrydict.Exists(country) Then
If Not InStr(1, countrydict(country), data) > 0 Then ' Remove Dupes
countrydict(country) = countrydict(country) & "|" & data ' an array would work but we can instr a string
End If
countrydict.Add country, data
End If
iter = 1
For Each key In countrydict
.Cells(iter, 1).value = key & ":"
.cells(iter, 1).font.bold = True
.cells(iter, 1).font.colorindex = 30
iter = iter + 1
For diter = 0 To UBound(Split(countrydict(key), "|"))
.Cells(iter, 1).value = Split(countrydict(key), "|")(diter)
iter = iter + 1
End With
我的 VBA 旅程大约有 2 个月,我遇到了一个无法在线找到解决方案的问题。我在将 Excel table 转换为由我编写的另一个宏创建的另一种格式时遇到问题。我有一个 table,在不同的行上列出了国家和人物的名字,在几行中列出。我希望它是动态的,因为这个 table 每天都会更新
Sub ManipulateTable()
Dim Country as String
Dim USA as Range
Dim EU as Range
Dim India as Range
Const StartRow As Byte = 7
Dim LastRow as Long
LastRow = Range("A" & StartRow.(End(xlDown).Row
For i StartRow to LastRow
Country = Range("A" & i).Value
If Country = "USA" Then Range("C" & i).value = 1
If Country = "EU" Then Range("C" & i).value = 2
If Country = "India" Then Range("C" & i).value = 3
Next i
' This to remove duplicates from column a
Range("A7:A30").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1). Header:= xlYes
' I thinking that I need to create a loop here
' But I dont know where to start
For i StartRow to LastRow
Countryindex = Range("C").Value
If Countryindex = 1 Then put under USA
If Countryindex = 2 Then put under EU
我的 Table 看起来像这样,有单独的列
"A" "B"
1 USA Sales
2 USA Employment Figures
3 USA Tax
4 EU Sales
5 EU Employment Figures
6 India Sales
7 India Expenses
8 India Employment Figures
1 USA: (With some color)
2 Sales
3 Employment
4 Tax
5 EU: (With some color)
6 Sales
7 Employment
8 India: (With some color)
9 Sales
10 Expenses
11 Employment
Country Data Time
Data Time
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim iter As Long
Dim diter As Long
Dim countrydict As Object
Dim country As String
Dim data As String
Dim key As Variant
Set countrydict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With ActiveSheet
lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
For iter = 1 To lastrow
country = Trim(.Cells(iter, 1).value)
data = Trim(.Cells(iter, 2).value)
If countrydict.Exists(country) Then
If Not InStr(1, countrydict(country), data) > 0 Then ' Remove Dupes
countrydict(country) = countrydict(country) & "|" & data ' an array would work but we can instr a string
End If
countrydict.Add country, data
End If
iter = 1
For Each key In countrydict
.Cells(iter, 1).value = key & ":"
.cells(iter, 1).font.bold = True
.cells(iter, 1).font.colorindex = 30
iter = iter + 1
For diter = 0 To UBound(Split(countrydict(key), "|"))
.Cells(iter, 1).value = Split(countrydict(key), "|")(diter)
iter = iter + 1
End With