
JDK's ClassLoaderHelper has no usage


class ClassLoaderHelper {
    private ClassLoaderHelper() {}
    static File mapAlternativeName(File lib) {
        return null;

我没有发现 mapAlternativeName 的任何用法不能被覆盖(静态)


 * Returns an alternate path name for the given file
 * such that if the original pathname did not exist, then the
 * file may be located at the alternate location.
 * For most platforms, this behavior is not supported and returns null.



我发现了一个相关的错误(解决方案:未解决)JDK-7157665 : Use ClassLoaderHelper for all native library loads

The fix for 7134701 needs to be updated to make the same change for the other code paths where native libraries are loaded: namely - where non-bootstrap classloaders are used and - where System.load() is called

In both those cases an absolute pathname is provided, but (on Mac) we should attempt to load the original file first and on Mac, for compatibility with Apple's jdk 6, we should look for a .jnilib variant if the original name was *.dylib, and it wasn't found.


 * Indicates, whether PATH env variable is allowed to contain quoted entries.
static final boolean allowsQuotedPathElements = true;


if (ClassLoaderHelper.allowsQuotedPathElements && ...
