如何正确地对异步套接字连接操作进行单元测试并避免 Thread.Sleep?

How to properly unit test an async socket connect operation and avoid Thread.Sleep?

我有一个名为 TcpConnector 的 class,它会在与端点的连接成功完成时引发一个事件。


public class TcpConnectorEventArgs : EventArgs
    public Exception EventException { get; set; }

public class TcpConnector
    public event EventHandler<TcpConnectorEventArgs> EventDispatcher;

    public void BeginConnect(IPEndPoint endpoint, int timeoutMillis)
        var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

        var ipcState = new IpcState()
            IpcSocket = socket,
            IpcEndpoint = endpoint,
            IpcTimeoutMillis = timeoutMillis

            ipcState.IpcSocket.BeginConnect(ipcState.IpcEndpoint, HandleConnect, ipcState);
        catch (Exception ex)
            var tcpConnectorEventArgs = new TcpConnectorEventArgs()
                EventSocket = ipcState.IpcSocket,
                EventEndPoint = ipcState.IpcEndpoint,
                EventType = TcpConnectorEventTypes.EventConnectFailure,
                EventException = ex

            EventDispatcher?.Invoke(this, tcpConnectorEventArgs);

    private void HandleConnect(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
        var ipcState = asyncResult.AsyncState as IpcState;

        if (ipcState == null)

            var result = asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(ipcState.IpcTimeoutMillis, true);

            if (result)

                var tcpConnectorEventArgs = new TcpConnectorEventArgs()
                    EventSocket = ipcState.IpcSocket,
                    EventEndPoint = ipcState.IpcEndpoint,
                    EventType = TcpConnectorEventTypes.EventConnectSuccess

                // Raise event with details
                EventDispatcher?.Invoke(this, tcpConnectorEventArgs);

                // Check cancellation flag if any subscriber wants the
                // connection canceled
                if (tcpConnectorEventArgs.EventCancel)
                var tcpConnectorEventArgs = new TcpConnectorEventArgs()
                    EventSocket = ipcState.IpcSocket,
                    EventEndPoint = ipcState.IpcEndpoint,
                    EventType = TcpConnectorEventTypes.EventConnectFailure,
                    EventException = new SocketException(10060) // Connection timed out

                // Raise event with details about error 
                EventDispatcher?.Invoke(this, tcpConnectorEventArgs);
        catch (Exception ex)
            var tcpConnectorEventArgs = new TcpConnectorEventArgs()
                EventSocket = ipcState.IpcSocket,
                EventEndPoint = ipcState.IpcEndpoint,
                EventType = TcpConnectorEventTypes.EventConnectFailure,
                EventException = ex

            // Raise event with details about error 
            EventDispatcher?.Invoke(this, tcpConnectorEventArgs);


[Trait(TraitKey.Category, TraitValue.UnitTest)]
public void Should_Raise_Event_And_Fail_To_Connect()
    // Arrange
    var receivedEvents = new List<TcpConnectorEventArgs>();
    var nonListeningPort = 82;
    var endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), nonListeningPort);
    var timeout = 1 * 1000;

    var client = new TcpConnector();
    client.EventDispatcher += (o, e) => receivedEvents.Add(e);

    // Act
    client.BeginConnect(endPoint, timeout);
    Thread.Sleep(10 * 1000);

    // Assert
    receivedEvents[0].EventException.Message.Should().Be("No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it");

由于我的 BeginConnect() 方法是异步执行的,因此不会阻塞调用者,我想出了使用 Thread.Sleep() 的愚蠢方法。然而,这感觉不对。

所以问题是:'properly' 如何测试这个方法?特别是对于正确的超时行为。


为了完整起见,这就是我的 class 和测试现在的样子,使用 ConnectAsync()

public class TcpConnector
    private Socket socket;


    public async Task ConnectAsync(IPEndPoint endpoint)
        this.socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

        await this.socket.ConnectAsync(endpoint);

还有两个 xUnit 测试示例...

[Trait("Category", "UnitTest")]
public async Task Should_Successfully_ConnectAsync()
    // Arrange
    var client = new TcpConnector();
    var endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8080);

    // Act
    var connectTask = client.ConnectAsync(endpoint);
    await connectTask;

    // Assert

[Trait("Category", "UnitTest")]
public async Task Should_Throw_Exception_If_Port_Unreachable()
    // Arrange
    var client = new TcpConnector();
    var nonListeningPort = 81;
    var endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), nonListeningPort);

    // Act & Assert
    var connectTask = client.ConnectAsync(endpoint);
    Func<Task> func = async () => { await connectTask; };


如果您确实使用旧方法,请订阅 EventDispatcher,在该订阅侦听器的实现中发出等待句柄信号,让单元测试线程在继续之前等待该信号。

var signal = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
var client = new TcpConnector();
client.EventDispatcher += (o, e) => signal.Set();

client.BeginConnect(endPoint, timeout);

signal.WaitOne(); // consider using an overload that takes a timeout