Python 中的 Heapsort 不排序

Heapsort in Python does not sorting

我是 python 的新手,我正在尝试从我的 C++ implementation 中实现堆排序。此代码无法对输入进行排序。


def max_heapify(thelist, lst_size, idx):
    largest = idx
    left_child = (2 * idx) + 1
    right_child = (2 * idx) + 2

    if left_child < lst_size and thelist[left_child] > thelist[largest]:
        largest = left_child

    elif right_child < len(thelist) and thelist[right_child] > thelist[largest]:
        largest = right_child

    if largest != idx:
        thelist[idx], thelist[largest] = thelist[largest], thelist[idx]
        max_heapify(thelist, lst_size, largest)

def build_max_heap(thelist, lst_size):
    for curr_idx in range(lst_size // 2 - 1, -1, -1):
        max_heapify(thelist, lst_size, curr_idx)

def heap_sort(thelist):
    if len(thelist) == 0:
        print("Empty list!!")

    elif len(thelist) == 1:
        print("Only one element!!")

        build_max_heap(thelist, len(thelist))

        for curr_idx in range(len(thelist) -1, 0, -1):
            thelist[curr_idx], thelist[0] = thelist[0], thelist[curr_idx]
            max_heapify(thelist, curr_idx, 0)

您的 heapify 函数中有两个错误:

  1. 第二个分支不应该是 elif,而是 if,因为您需要 select 右边的 child,即使左边的child大于它的parent,但是当右边的child更大时。

  2. 你不想在那里使用 len(thelist),因为你的函数应该依赖参数 lst_size。这是必需的,因为在 heap_sort 函数调用中,为该参数传递的值小于(并且必须)小于实际列表长度。


elif right_child < len(thelist) and thelist[right_child] > thelist[largest]:


if right_child < lst_size and thelist[right_child] > thelist[largest]: