Autosar 中 ClassNameDesign 清单的用途是什么

What is use of ClassNameDesign manifest in Autosar

我在 Autosar 中看到一些清单 class 名称附加了单词 Design



This meta-class represents the ability for the OEM to design the grouping of software uploadable to a specific target Machine.


This meta-class represents the ability to define an uploadable software-package, i.e. the SoftwareCluster shall contain all software and configuration for a given purpose.


This meta-class has the ability to stand in for a Process at the time when the Process does not yet exist. But its future existence already needs to be considered during design phase and for that a dedicated model element is required..


This meta-class provides information required to execute the referenced executable.

Process包含对ProcessDesignExecutable的引用。 ProcessDesign 还包含一个 Executable。这让我很困惑,为什么要重复这些信息?

├─ ProcessDesign
│        └─ Executable
└─ Executable

Design 和不带 Design 的清单 class 有何不同?

除了研究附加到 meta-model 元素的注释外,我还建议阅读 TPS 清单规范。以下摘录可能会提供说明:

Just to be sure, the SoftwareClusterDesign is not intended to be uploaded to the target platform. It is just an early form of the final SoftwareCluster that indeed gets uploaded. The existence of the SoftwareClusterDesign is motivated from the methodological point of view.

这些 类 的存在是为了解决您必须在早期阶段(即设计阶段)提供信息的问题,这些信息在以后准备实际清单文档时需要。请考虑设计模型和清单创建可能由不同的人或不同的组织完成。

创建清单文档的组织(例如 SoftwareCluster)然后可以依赖设计期间提供的信息(即在相应的 SoftwareClusterDesign 中)。