如何在 matplotlib 中绘制 3 列饼图?

How to plot a pie chart in matplotlib with 3 columns?

我需要使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图,但我的 DataFrame 有 3 列,即 gendersegmenttotal_amount。 我试过使用 plt.pie() 参数,但它只需要 x 和数据标签。我尝试将 gender 设置为图例,但它看起来不正确。

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'gender': {0: 'Female',
  1: 'Female',
  2: 'Female',
  3: 'Male',
  4: 'Male',
  5: 'Male'},
 'Segment': {0: 'Gold',
  1: 'Platinum',
  2: 'Silver',
  3: 'Gold',
  4: 'Platinum',
  5: 'Silver'},
 'total_amount': {0: 2110045.0,
  1: 2369722.0,
  2: 1897545.0,
  3: 2655970.0,
  4: 2096445.0,
  5: 2347134.0}})

plt.pie(data = df,x="claim_amount",labels="Segment")

我想要的结果是 total_amount 的饼图及其标签 gendersegment。如果我能拿到百分比,那就加分了。


# Data to plot
# Take the information from the segment and label columns and join them into one string
labels = df["Segment"]+ " " + df["gender"].map(str)
# Extract the sizes of the segments
sizes = df["total_amount"]
# Plot with labels and percentage
plt.pie(sizes, labels=labels,autopct='%1.1f%%')
