Google 玩游戏服务:保存游戏,创建新快照

Google play games services : Saved games, creating a new snapshot

我正在遵循 google 开发人员指南,了解如何在我的游戏中设置保存的游戏,当我到达创建快照以存储数据的部分时,该指南没有指定要做什么做。


但是使用的一些方法被标记为已弃用,而且他们从 5 年前就没有更新代码

private String mCurrentSaveName = "snapshotTemp";

 * This callback will be triggered after you call startActivityForResult from the
 * showSavedGamesUI method.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode,
                                Intent intent) {
  if (intent != null) {
    if (intent.hasExtra(SnapshotsClient.EXTRA_SNAPSHOT_METADATA)) {
      // Load a snapshot.
      SnapshotMetadata snapshotMetadata =
      mCurrentSaveName = snapshotMetadata.getUniqueName();

      // Load the game data from the Snapshot
      // ...
    } else if (intent.hasExtra(SnapshotsClient.EXTRA_SNAPSHOT_NEW)) {
      // Create a new snapshot named with a unique string
      String unique = new BigInteger(281, new Random()).toString(13);
      mCurrentSaveName = "snapshotTemp-" + unique;

      // Create the new snapshot
      // ...

谁能帮帮我?在 //create the new snapshot comment 附近可以做什么?


//the data you want to save must be in bytes
byte[] bytearray;
//name of the snapshot
private String currentSave="snapshot"+1235;

private void executeSaving(){

    // get the snapshoClient
    SnapshotsClient snapshotsClient= Games.getSnapshotsClient(this,account);

    // to save a game,true).addOnCompleteListener(task -> {

        Snapshot snapshot =task.getResult().getData();

        if (snapshot != null){
            //call of the method writeSnapshot params : the snapshot and the data we 
            //want to save with a description
            writeSnapshot(snapshot,bytearray,"first description").addOnCompleteListener(task1 -> {

                }else {

private Task<SnapshotMetadata> writeSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot ,byte[] bytearray,String desc){

    //write your data in the snapshot

    SnapshotMetadataChange snapshotMetadata = new SnapshotMetadataChange.Builder().setDescription(desc).build();

    SnapshotsClient snapshotsClient=Games.getSnapshotsClient(this,account);

    //commit and close to send the new changes to google play games services
    return snapshotsClient.commitAndClose(snapshot,snapshotMetadata);