在没有将 isRemovedOnCompletion 设置为 false 的情况下保留动画的 stokeEnd 更改

Preserving stokeEnd change from animation without isRemovedOnCompletion set to false

我有一个动画进度圈。我可以按下一个按钮,它会动画到 20%,如果我再次按下按钮,它就会动画到 40%。我正在将 isRemovedOnCompletion 设置为 false。但是,每次我执行动画时,都会将新动画添加到 CAShapelayer。我想这对性能不利。有更好的方法吗?


@IBAction func didTapAnimate(_ sender: Any) {
        let animateStroke = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
        animateStroke.fromValue = index > 0 ? progressPts[index - 1] : 0
        animateStroke.toValue = progressPts[index]
        animateStroke.duration = 2.0
        animateStroke.fillMode = .forwards
        animateStroke.isRemovedOnCompletion = false
        circleLayer.add(animateStroke, forKey: "MyAnimation")

只需调用 removeAnimation(forKey:"yourkey")

从 circleLayer 中删除之前的动画
@IBAction func didTapAnimate(_ sender: Any) {
        circleLayer.removeAnimation(forKey: "MyAnimation")
        let animateStroke = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
        animateStroke.fromValue = index > 0 ? progressPts[index - 1] : 0
        animateStroke.toValue = progressPts[index]
        animateStroke.duration = 2.0
        animateStroke.fillMode = .forwards
        animateStroke.isRemovedOnCompletion = false
        circleLayer.add(animateStroke, forKey: "MyAnimation")


A string that identifies the animation. Only one animation per unique key is added to the layer. The special key kCATransition is automatically used for transition animations. You may specify nil for this parameter.
