了解派生 class 中 C++ 析构函数的行为

Understanding behavior of the C++ destructor in a derived class

我正在阅读 Stroustrup 的 C++ 编程书中的一段代码。

class Vector_container : public Container {
    Vector v;
    // Vector_container implements Container
    Vector_container(int s) : v(s) { } // Vector of s elements
    ~Vector_container() {}

    double& operator[](int i) { return v[i]; }
    int size() const { return v.size(); }    


  1. The destructor (~Vector_container()) overrides the base class destructor (~Container()).
  2. Note that the member destructor (~Vector()) is implicitly invoked by its class’s destructor (~Vector_container()).


关于 #2,class 的析构函数系统地调用成员析构函数是否是 C++ 特性?


2:是的,这是一个 C++ 功能。由于 v 成员声明为 Vector v,容器的析构函数将自动调用其成员的析构函数 Vector::~Vector


是的,成员和基 classes 在 class 的析构函数被调用后被析构。来自 cppreference.com

For both user-defined or implicitly-defined destructors, after the body of the destructor is executed, the compiler calls the destructors for all non-static non-variant members of the class, in reverse order of declaration, then it calls the destructors of all direct non-virtual base classes in reverse order of construction (which in turn call the destructors of their members and their base classes, etc), and then, if this object is of most-derived class, it calls the destructors of all virtual bases.

Regarding #1, why does the overriding occur in functions of different names?

这不是覆盖。每个 class 都有自己的析构函数,可能是用户定义的,也可能不是。并且如果你销毁一个对象,每个析构函数在继承层次结构中按照从下到上的顺序被调用。

重要提示:如果你有虚基 class 并使用基指针销毁对象,你的析构函数必须标记为 virtual 以便从下到上进行析构,而不仅仅是基指针的类型。

Regarding #2, is it a C++ feature that member destructors are systematically invoked by the class's destructor?



why does the overriding occur in functions of different names?


定义构造函数和析构函数的语法有点混乱,因为技术上这些东西没有名字 (ref; no specific wording for the dtor but the same applies by deductive reasoning). You can refer to the destructor of a class with the syntax ~<class name> (ref) 但这本身并不是一个函数名。这可能听起来完全是学术上的区别,而且,嗯,它是......但它可能有助于使 "different name overriding" 不那么令人惊讶。

我也不会称其为 "overriding",该术语通常用于描述虚函数的工作方式。 Bjarne 正在随意使用它。

is it a C++ feature that member destructors are systematically invoked by the class's destructor?
