PVLIB:使用 PVLIB 计算时角的问题

PVLIB: Problems to calculate the hour angle using PVLIB

我正在尝试计算使用 PVLIB 函数“pvl.solarposition.hour_angle()”的时角。

我正在开发的代码分为 02 个部分:

当我 运行 时角 python 返回一条错误消息:

"naive_times = times.tz_localize(None) # 天真但仍然本地化 AttributeError: 'str' 对象没有属性 'tz_localize".

我知道这个错误是关于 class for variable "final_time" 实现的代码。根据 PVLIB 文档,此变量需要保留在 class pandas.DatetimeIndex (https://pvlib-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generated/pvlib.solarposition.hour_angle.html) 并且我不知道将 GPS 时间正确转换为此 class 然后,在 PVLIB 上使用此结果来计算时角。


import datetime
import pvlib as pvl

t_gps = 138088.886582 #seconds of week

lat = -23.048576 # degress
long = -46.305043 # degrees

## Transfomring the GPS time (seconds of week) in Date Time

## The result printed here is in UTC time because the GPS time is refered in UTC Time.

datetimeformat = ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
leapsecond = 37
epoch = datetime.datetime.strptime ( "1980-01-06 00:00:00" , datetimeformat)
decorrido = datetime.timedelta( days = (2024 * 7 ), seconds = t_gps + leapsecond)
final_time = datetime.datetime.strftime(epoch + decorrido, datetimeformat)

## Calculating the hour angle using PVLIB

solar_declin = pvl.solarposition.declination_spencer71(295)

eq_time = pvl.solarposition.equation_of_time_pvcdrom(295)

hour_angle = pvl.solarposition.hour_angle(final_time, long, eq_time)


  1. 如何将 GPS 时间(星期几)转换为格式 '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' 和 class pandas.DatetimeIndex?

    1. GPS时间转换后的结果怎么是UTC时间,我需要先转换成本地时间再转换成UTC时间包括tz_localize?

在我的方法中,我使用 astropy library for converting gps time into date time format. Next convert this time to Datetimeindex 和 pandas;


import pandas as pd
import pvlib as pvl
from astropy.time import Time

latitude = -23.048576 # degress
longitude = -46.305043 # degrees

# convert gps seconds to time format
gps_time = 138088.886582
t = Time(gps_time, format='gps')
t = Time(t, format='iso')

# create empty df
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Timestamp'])

# create date time series
time_series = pd.to_datetime(str(t), infer_datetime_format=True)

# append time series to data frame
df = df.append({'Timestamp': pd.to_datetime(time_series)}, ignore_index=True)
df = df.append({'Timestamp': pd.to_datetime(time_series)}, ignore_index=True)

# create time index
time_index = pd.DatetimeIndex(df.Timestamp)

# calculate hour angle
hour_angle = pvl.solarposition.hour_angle(time_index, longitude, latitude*60)


[-356.58415383 -356.58415383]

不是使用 datetime 或字符串来填充您的 DatetimeIndex,而是创建 pandas.Timestamp,即 datetime.datetimepandas 版本。

首先构建一个 Posix 时间戳,也就是距纪元的秒数​​:

week_number = 2024
t_gps = 138088.886582
leapsecond = 37
posix_ts = week_number * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 + t_gps + leapsecond


pandas_ts = Timestamp.utcfromtimestamp(posix_ts)
>>> Timestamp('2008-10-17 14:22:05.886582')


pandas_ts = pandas_ts.tz_localize("UTC")
>>> Timestamp('2008-10-17 14:22:05.886582+0000', tz='UTC')


pandas_ts = pandas_ts.tz_convert("my_time_zone")  # replace by correct tz
>>> Timestamp('2008-10-17 NN:22:05.886582+XXXX', tz='my_time_zone')

并构建所需的 DatetimeIndex:

di = DatetimeIndex([pandas_ts])
print(di)  # shows the time zone in the type (dtype='datetime64[ns, my_time_zone]')

long = -46.305043
eq_time = pvl.solarposition.equation_of_time_pvcdrom(295)
hour_angle = pvl.solarposition.hour_angle(di, long, eq_time)

不要混用 tz_localizetz_convert 并记住始终设置时区。通过这种方式,您可以控制 DatetimeIndex 的创建,使用依赖 pandas 自动解析的字符串,时区有问题。