防止 objdump 换行

Prevent objdump from wrapping long lines

在使用 objdump 时,我经常得到这样的行:

a0df:   c7 05 58 4b 02 00 00    mov    DWORD PTR ds:0x24b58,0x6400
a0e6:   64 00 00 
a2da:   f7 05 6c 4b 02 00 ff    test   DWORD PTR ds:0x24b6c,0xffffffff
a2e1:   ff ff ff 


a0df:   c7 05 58 4b 02 00 00 64 00 00   mov    DWORD PTR ds:0x24b58,0x6400
a2da:   f7 05 6c 4b 02 00 ff ff ff ff   test   DWORD PTR ds:0x24b6c,0xffffffff

是否可以告诉 objdump 不要换行?

自己找的。我一直在寻找名为 wrap 的东西,但控制它的参数有点伪装成 '-w/--wide':

       Format some lines for output devices that have more than 80 columns.  
       Also do not truncate symbol names when they are displayed.