如何修复 python 不写入文件

How to fix python not writing to file

我正在制作一个脚本来读取字典并挑选出符合搜索条件的单词。代码运行良好,但问题是它没有将任何单词写入文件 "wow" 或将它们打印出来。字典的来源是 https://github.com/dwyl/english-words/blob/master/words.zip.

我尝试将文件的开头更改为 "w+" 而不是 "a+",但没有任何区别。我检查了是否没有任何词符合标准,但这不是问题所在。

listExample = []  #creates a list

with open("words.txt") as f:  #opens the "words" text file
    for line in f:

x = 0
file = open("wow.txt","a+") #opens "wow" so I can save the right words to it

while True:
    if x < 5000: # limits the search because I don't want to wait too long
        if len(listExample[x]) == 11: #this loop iterates through all words
            word = listExample[x]     #if the words is 11 letters long  
            lastLetter = word[10]
            if lastLetter == "t":    #and the last letter is t
                file.write(word)      #it writes the word to the file "wow"
                print("This word is cool!",word) #and prints it
                print(word) #or it just prints it
        x += 1 #iteration
        break #breaks after 5000 to keep it short

它创建了 "wow" 文件,但它是空的。我该如何解决这个问题?

这解决了您的问题。您以这样的方式拆分文本,每个单词的末尾都有一个换行符,也许还有一个 space。我已经输入 .strip() 以摆脱任何白色 space。此外,我将 lastLetter 定义为 word[-1] 以获得最后一个字母,而不管单词的长度如何。

P.S。感谢 Ocaso Protal 建议剥离而不是替换。

listExample = []  #creates a list

with open("words.txt") as f:  #opens the "words" text file
    for line in f:

x = 0
file = open("wow.txt","a+") #opens "wow" so I can save the right words to it

while True:
    if x < 5000: # limits the search because I don't want to wait too long
        word = listExample[x].strip()
        if len(word) == 11:
            lastLetter = word[-1]
            if lastLetter == "t":    #and the last letter is t
                file.write(word + '\n')      #it writes the word to the file "wow"
                print("This word is cool!",word) #and prints it
                print(word) #or it just prints it
        x += 1 #iteration
        break #breaks after 5000 to keep it short