
Can i store subroutines with parameters in a hash?

我正在 perl/tk 构建一个项目,它将允许启动计时器来跟踪项目工作。我对如何将按钮的命令存储为子例程但带有参数的问题停滞不前。由于正在执行带有参数的子程序,因此结果将存储为命令。


#create buttons but dont pack them on the frame yet
my $info    = $mw->Button( -text => "Good",   -command => \&info_popup );
my $warning = $mw->Button( -text => "Caution", -command => \&warning_popup );
my $error   = $mw->Button( -text => "Bad",   -command => \&error_popup );
my $close   = $mw->Button( -text => "Close",   -command => \&close );
my $project1 = $mw->Button( -text => "project1", -command => \&start_timer("project1"));
my $project2 = $mw->Button( -text => "project2", -command => \&start_timer("project2"));

sub start_timer {
    my $project = shift;
    print "starting the timer for: $project\n";


当使用 TK 时,oreilly 袖珍指南说

Perl/Tk Callbacks A callback is a scalar, either a code reference or a method name as a string. Either of these styles can take parameters by passing an array reference, with the first element the code reference or method name, and subsequent elements subroutine parameters. \&subroutine [\&subroutine ?, args?] sub {...} [sub {...} ?, args?] ’methodName’ [’methodName’ ?, args?] Note that bind callbacks are implicitly passed the bound widget reference as the first argument of the parameter list. Refer to the section Bindings and Virtual Events for related information.


#create buttons but dont pack them on the frame yet
my $info    = $mw->Button( -text => "Good",   -command => \&info_popup );
my $warning = $mw->Button( -text => "Caution", -command => \&warning_popup );
my $error   = $mw->Button( -text => "Bad",   -command => \&error_popup );
my $close   = $mw->Button( -text => "Close",   -command => \&close );
my $project1 = $mw->Button( -text => "project1", -command => [\&start_timer,"project1"]);
my $project2 = $mw->Button( -text => "project2", -command => [\&start_timer,"project2"]);

sub start_timer {
    my $project = shift;
    print "starting the timer for: $project\n";