
Nasm, not printing the correct value

我做了一个 nasm 程序来计算特定大小的两个向量之间的欧几里得距离。 这个 nasm 函数是从 C 文件调用的,该文件获取函数的结果。我已经测试过了,它可以工作,返回的值是正确的,我可以毫无问题地打印它。 我的问题是当我尝试在 nasm 文件中打印结果时。 这是 nasm 代码:

extern printf

%macro print_dist2 1

section .data
.str db %1,0                    ; %1 is macro call first actual parameter
section .text

push dword [dist]
push dword .str
push dword fmt2
call printf
add esp, 12                     ; pop stack 3 * 4 bytes


section .data           

dist: dd 258                    

fmt2: db "%s, dist: %g",10,0     ; format string for printf

section .bss            

section .text           

global distanza

x   equ 8
y   equ 12
dim equ 16
ris equ 20

    ; ------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Function entrance sequence
    ; ------------------------------------------------------------
    push    ebp     
    mov ebp, esp    
    push    ebx     
    push    esi
    push    edi
    ; ------------------------------------------------------------
    ; read the parameters from the current stack frame
    ; ------------------------------------------------------------

    mov eax, [ebp+x]    ; address of x
    mov ebx, [ebp+y]    ; address of y
    mov ecx, [ebp+dim]  ; size of the vectors (it's the same)
. omitted calculations.

    sqrtss  xmm1, xmm1
    movss   [dist], xmm1    ; move the result to dist
    fld     dword [dist]    ; mov in st0, that will be used by the C file 

    print_dist2 "distanza"

    ; ------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Function exit sequence
    ; ------------------------------------------------------------

    pop edi     
    pop esi
    pop ebx
    mov esp, ebp    
    pop ebp     

这是 C 文件:

 float a[] = {6.1f, 9.5f, 12.6f};
 float b[] = {25.1f, 34.1f, 9.6f};
 dim = 3;

 float dist = distanza(a, b, dim);

 printf("d(x,y) = %f\n", dist);


distanza, dist: 5.46877e-315
d(x,y) = 31.227551

C 代码打印出正确的值,nasm 却没有。 如果我更改 nasm 代码的格式字符串:

fmt2: db "%s, dist: %f",10,0

我用了 %f 而不是 %g,nasm 输出是这个:

distanza, dist: 0.000000


您的 dist 是一个 32 位浮点数,但 printf 需要一个双 64 位浮点数。你必须改造它:

%macro print_dist2 1

section .data
.str db %1,0                    ; %1 is macro call first actual parameter
section .text

sub esp, 8                      ; Space for a 64-bit double floating point number
fld dword [dist]                ; Load a 32-bit single floating point number
fstp qword [esp]                ; Store it as 64-bit floating point number
push dword .str
push dword fmt2
call printf
add esp, 16                     ; pop stack 4 * 4 bytes
