如何在 javascript 中的 setAttribute() 方法中将参数添加到函数中
How to add parameters onto function in setAttribute() method in javascript
在 javascript 中,我正在创建新的图像标签并使用 setAttribute() 方法向它们添加属性,但我发现如果我添加一个 onclick 事件并添加一个函数,我不能如下所示为其设置参数
count = 0; //Will be the number that will go into parameter for function
function start() {
imageTag = document.createElement("IMG"); //Creates image tag
imageTag.setAttribute("src", "popo.jpg"); //sets the image tags source
count++; //as the start function keeps getting called, count will increase by 1 and the parameter for each function in each individual image tag will increase by one
imageTag.setAttribute("onclick", "disappear(count)"); //this will add the onclick attribute with the function disappear() and the parameter inside which will be a number that will increase as the start function is called again and the image tag is called again *ERROR*
document.body.appendChild(imageTag); //appends the image tag created
<img src = "popo.jpg" onclick = "disappear(count)"/>
<img src = "popo.jpg" onclick = "disappear('1')"/>
<img src = "popo.jpg" onclick = "disappear('2')"/> //and so on...
count = 0; //Will be the number that will go into parameter for function
function start() {
imageTag = document.createElement("IMG"); //Creates image tag
imageTag.setAttribute("src", "popo.jpg"); //sets the image tags source
count++; //as the start function keeps getting called, count will increase by 1 and the parameter for each function in each individual image tag will increase by one
imageTag.setAttribute("onclick", "disappear("+count+")"); //this will add the onclick attribute with the function disappear() and the parameter inside which will be a number that will increase as the start function is called again and the image tag is called again *ERROR*
document.body.appendChild(imageTag); //appends the image tag created
不要将点击事件添加为属性,而是使用 addEventListener
imageTag.addEventListener("click", disappear.bind(null, count));
Bind 将使 count
function disappear(ID){
alert(ID); // This should give the count.
由于您使用 setAttribute
,因此您设置的是 event handler content attribute. The corresponding event handler is set to an internal raw uncompiled handler。该代码的范围将是
- 全局对象
- 文档
- 表单所有者(如果有)
- 元素(如果有)
如果您的 count
imageTag.setAttribute("onclick", "disappear(" + count + ")");
使用event handler IDL attributes,例如
var localCount = count; // Using a local copy in case `count` is modified
imageTag.onclick = function() {
imageTag.setAttribute("onclick", "disappear(" + count + ")");
imageTag.setAttribute("onclick", "disappear('" + count + "')");
imageTag.setAttribute("onclick", `disappear('${count}')`);
在 javascript 中,我正在创建新的图像标签并使用 setAttribute() 方法向它们添加属性,但我发现如果我添加一个 onclick 事件并添加一个函数,我不能如下所示为其设置参数
count = 0; //Will be the number that will go into parameter for function
function start() {
imageTag = document.createElement("IMG"); //Creates image tag
imageTag.setAttribute("src", "popo.jpg"); //sets the image tags source
count++; //as the start function keeps getting called, count will increase by 1 and the parameter for each function in each individual image tag will increase by one
imageTag.setAttribute("onclick", "disappear(count)"); //this will add the onclick attribute with the function disappear() and the parameter inside which will be a number that will increase as the start function is called again and the image tag is called again *ERROR*
document.body.appendChild(imageTag); //appends the image tag created
<img src = "popo.jpg" onclick = "disappear(count)"/>
<img src = "popo.jpg" onclick = "disappear('1')"/>
<img src = "popo.jpg" onclick = "disappear('2')"/> //and so on...
count = 0; //Will be the number that will go into parameter for function
function start() {
imageTag = document.createElement("IMG"); //Creates image tag
imageTag.setAttribute("src", "popo.jpg"); //sets the image tags source
count++; //as the start function keeps getting called, count will increase by 1 and the parameter for each function in each individual image tag will increase by one
imageTag.setAttribute("onclick", "disappear("+count+")"); //this will add the onclick attribute with the function disappear() and the parameter inside which will be a number that will increase as the start function is called again and the image tag is called again *ERROR*
document.body.appendChild(imageTag); //appends the image tag created
不要将点击事件添加为属性,而是使用 addEventListener
添加它imageTag.addEventListener("click", disappear.bind(null, count));
Bind 将使 count
function disappear(ID){
alert(ID); // This should give the count.
由于您使用 setAttribute
,因此您设置的是 event handler content attribute. The corresponding event handler is set to an internal raw uncompiled handler。该代码的范围将是
- 全局对象
- 文档
- 表单所有者(如果有)
- 元素(如果有)
如果您的 count
imageTag.setAttribute("onclick", "disappear(" + count + ")");
使用event handler IDL attributes,例如
var localCount = count; // Using a local copy in case `count` is modified imageTag.onclick = function() { disappear(localCount); };
imageTag.setAttribute("onclick", "disappear(" + count + ")");
imageTag.setAttribute("onclick", "disappear('" + count + "')");
imageTag.setAttribute("onclick", `disappear('${count}')`);