如何使用 ASP.NET Core 获取当前路由名称?

How can I get the current route name with ASP.NET Core?

我有一个在 ASP.NET Core 2.2 框架之上编写的应用程序。


public class TestController : Controller
    [Route("some-parameter-3/{name}/{id:int}/{page:int?}", Name = "SomeRoute3Name")]
    [Route("some-parameter-2/{name}/{id:int}/{page:int?}", Name = "SomeRoute2Name")]
    [Route("some-parameter-1/{name}/{id:int}/{page:int?}", Name = "SomeRoute1Name")]
    public ActionResult Act(ActVM viewModel)
        // switch the logic based on the route name

        return View(viewModel);


在控制器内部,您可以读取 AttributeRouteInfo from the ControllerContext's ActionDescriptor. AttributeRouteInfo has a Name 属性,其中包含您要查找的值:

public ActionResult Act(ActVM viewModel)
    switch (ControllerContext.ActionDescriptor.AttributeRouteInfo.Name)
        // ...

    return View(viewModel);

在 Razor 视图中,ActionDescriptor 可通过 ViewContext 属性:

    var routeName = ViewContext.ActionDescriptor.AttributeRouteInfo.Name;

对我来说,@krik-larkin 的回答没有用,因为 AttributeRouteInfo 在我的情况下总是 null。


var endpoint = HttpContext.GetEndpoint() as RouteEndpoint;
var routeNameMetadata = endpoint?.Metadata.OfType<RouteNameMetadata>().SingleOrDefault();
var routeName = routeNameMetadata?.RouteName;

对 Kirk Larkin 回答的小修正。有时您必须使用模板 属性 而不是名称:

var ari = ControllerContext.ActionDescriptor.AttributeRouteInfo;
var route = ari.Name ?? ari.Template;