是否可以将 google 张照片元数据加载到 google 工作表中?

Is it possible to load google photos metadata into google sheets?

我有一个项目,我扫描了 10,000 张远至 1900 年代的家庭照片,并将它们组织在 Google 照片中。我有一个跨页 sheet,我在其中跟踪整个 collection 的正确日期和标题。我会一次整理几张,但最近发现了 google 张照片 API。

我想使用类似方法Method: mediaItems.list or Method: mediaItems.search 将我的照片中的数据获取到传播sheet 中以进行管理。


如果还有一种方法可以从 sheet 再次更新回来,那就太棒了。

我找到了 this article,但提供的代码对我不起作用。


function photoAPI() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var albums_sh = ss.getSheetByName("albums") || ss.insertSheet("albums", ss.getSheets().length); 
  var narray = []; 

  var api = "https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/albums";
  var headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " +  ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() };
  var options = { "headers": headers, "method" : "GET", "muteHttpExceptions": true };

  var param= "", nexttoken;
  do {
    if (nexttoken)
      param = "?pageToken=" + nexttoken; 
    var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(api + param, options);
    var json = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
    json.albums.forEach(function (album) {
      var data = [
    nexttoken = json.nextPageToken;
  } while (nexttoken);
  albums_sh.getRange(1, 1, narray.length, narray[0].length).setValues(narray);


({error:{code:403, message:"Request had insufficient authentication scopes.", status:"PERMISSION_DENIED"}})


我有一个 API 密钥和一个来自 Google 照片 API 页的秘密。

编辑 我使用来自@Tanaike 的链接来弄清楚如何将范围添加到我的项目中。 我加了这三个。

现在,当我 运行 处于调试模式时,我收到 403 错误,指示我需要设置我的 API。错误摘要如下:

error: code:403 Photos Library API has not been used in project 130931490217 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/photoslibrary.googleapis.com/overview?project=130931490217 Google developers console API activation type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.Help "PERMISSION_DENIED"

不过,当我尝试转到列出的 URL 时,我只收到一条消息,上面写着 "Failed to load."

在@Tanaike 的帮助下,我在上面的评论中得到了我的代码。我有两个问题。

1) 我需要在 appsscript.json 中指定 oauthScopes,它在 google 脚本中默认隐藏。可以通过转到菜单并选择“查看”>“显示清单文件”来显示它。

2) 我使用的是默认 GCP 项目,该项目无权使用照片 API,因此无法启用。我需要切换到我之前创建并启用了照片的标准 GCP 项目 API。


function photoAPI_ListAlbums() {
  // Modified from code by Whosebug user Frç Ju at 
  // which was originally Modified from http://ctrlq.org/code/20068-blogger-api-with-google-apps-script

  This function retrieves all albums from your personal google photos account and lists each one with the name of album, count of photos, and URL in a new sheet.

  Requires Oauth scopes. Add the below line to appsscript.json
  "oauthScopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets.currentonly", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.readonly", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/script.external_request"]

  Also requires a standard GCP project with the appropriate Photo APIs enabled.

  //Get the spreadsheet object
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  //Check for presence of target sheet, if it does not exist, create one.
  var albums_sh = ss.getSheetByName("albums") || ss.insertSheet("albums", ss.getSheets().length); 
  //Make sure the target sheet is empty
  var narray = []; 

  //Build the request string. Default page size is 20, max 50. set to max for speed.
  var api = "https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/albums?pageSize=50";
  var headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " +  ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() };
  var options = { "headers": headers, "method" : "GET", "muteHttpExceptions": true };

  var param= "", nexttoken;

  //Make the first row a title row
  var data = [
    "Item Count",

  //Loop through JSON results until a nextPageToken is not returned indicating end of data
  do {
    //If there is a nextpagetoken, add it to the end of the request string
    if (nexttoken)
      param = "&pageToken=" + nexttoken; 

    //Get data and load it into a JSON object
    var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(api + param, options);
    var json = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());

    //Loop through the JSON object adding desired data to the spreadsheet.
    json.albums.forEach(function (album) {
      var data = [
        "'"+album.title,  //The prepended apostrophe makes albums with a name such as "June 2007" to show up as that text rather than parse as a date in the sheet.

    //Get the nextPageToken
    nexttoken = json.nextPageToken;
    //Continue if the nextPageToaken is not null
  } while (nexttoken);

  //Save all the data to the spreadsheet.
  albums_sh.getRange(1, 1, narray.length, narray[0].length).setValues(narray);


function photoAPI_ListPhotos() {
  //Modified from above function photoAPI_ListAlbums

  This function retrieves all photos from your personal google photos account and lists each one with the Filename, Caption, Create time (formatted for Sheet), Width, Height, and URL in a new sheet.
  it will not include archived photos which can be confusing if you happen to have a large chunk of archived photos some pages may return only a next page token with no media items.

  Requires Oauth scopes. Add the below line to appsscript.json
  "oauthScopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets.currentonly", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.readonly", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/script.external_request"]

  Also requires a standard GCP project with the appropriate Photo APIs enabled.

  //Get the spreadsheet object
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  //Check for presence of target sheet, if it does not exist, create one.
  var photos_sh = ss.getSheetByName("photos") || ss.insertSheet("photos", ss.getSheets().length); 
  //Make sure the target sheet is empty
  var narray = []; 

  //Build the request string. Max page size is 100. set to max for speed.
  var api = "https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/mediaItems?pageSize=100";
  var headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " +  ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() };
  var options = { "headers": headers, "method" : "GET", "muteHttpExceptions": true };

  //This variable is used if you want to resume the scrape at some page other than the start. This is needed if you have more than 40,000 photos.
  //Uncomment the line below and add the next page token for where you want to start in the quotes.
  //var nexttoken="";

  var param= "", nexttoken;
  //Start counting how many pages have been processed.
  var pagecount=0;

  //Make the first row a title row
  var data = [
    "Create Time",

  //Loop through JSON results until a nextPageToken is not returned indicating end of data
  do {
    //If there is a nextpagetoken, add it to the end of the request string
    if (nexttoken)
      param = "&pageToken=" + nexttoken; 

    //Get data and load it into a JSON object
    var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(api + param, options);
    var json = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());

    //Check if there are mediaItems to process.
    if (typeof json.mediaItems === 'undefined') {
      //If there are no mediaItems, Add a blank line in the sheet with the returned nextpagetoken

      //var data = ["","","","","","","",json.nextPageToken];
    } else {
      //Loop through the JSON object adding desired data to the spreadsheet.
      json.mediaItems.forEach(function (MediaItem) {

        //Check if the mediaitem has a description (caption) and make that cell blank if it is not present.
        if(typeof MediaItem.description === 'undefined') {
            var description = "";
          } else {
            var description = MediaItem.description;

        //Format the create date as appropriate for spreadsheets.
        var d = new Date(MediaItem.mediaMetadata.creationTime);

        var data = [
          "'"+description, //The prepended apostrophe makes captions that are dates or numbers save in the sheet as a string. 

    //Get the nextPageToken
    nexttoken = json.nextPageToken;    

    //Continue if the nextPageToaken is not null
    //Also stop if you reach 400 pages processed, this prevents the script from timing out. You will need to resume manually using the nexttoken variable above.
  } while (pagecount<400 && nexttoken);

    //Continue if the nextPageToaken is not null (This is commented out as an alternative and can be used if you have a small enough collection it will not time out.)
  //} while (nexttoken);

  //Save all the data to the spreadsheet.
  photos_sh.getRange(1, 1, narray.length, narray[0].length).setValues(narray);

由于 ListPhotos 功能的限制以及我的图库如此庞大的事实,我仍在研究第三个功能,即从特定相册中的所有照片中提取照片元数据。一旦完成,我将编辑此答案。