
How to map by sorting by a certain property

我想制作一个功能,让我的机器人... - 排除类别中的 # 和 VC 频道 - 按数字位置而不是字母顺序对频道进行排序

问题是我不知道如何根据频道的类型将 # 从频道中拆分出来。我也想不出一种方法来按位置编号对频道进行排序。

我试过了 .addField("Server's channels", serv.channels.calculatedPosition.map(c =>${c}).join(' | '),true)

.addField("Server's channels", serv.channels.map(c =>${c}).position.join(' | '),true)

var serv = message.guild

    var myInfo = new discord.RichEmbed()
        .setAuthor(`${serv.name}'s channels`,`${message.guild.iconURL}`)
        .addField(`Server's channels`, serv.channels.map(c => `${c}`).join(' | '),true)
        .setFooter('Server Roles.')

预期:discord.js-commando 命令,它从非文本的频道中拆分 # 并按位置映射频道。 实际:机器人按字母顺序映射频道。


GuildChannel.positionGuildChannel.calculatedPosition 的问题是返回的位置基于频道类型。比如,所有的类别都排序并编号,与文字频道分开,文字频道与语音频道分开。

为了解决这个问题,我们可以制作自己的系统来利用它。我们首先对所有类别进行排序并将其添加到一个集合中,并与它们 children 的排序集合配对。然后,我们遍历并将频道添加到列表中。


从技术上讲,# 符号 应该 位于 non-text 频道之前,因为 Discord 将他们的提及转换为使用它。不过,看起来不是很吸引人,逻辑好像也有点问题。




const guild = message.guild;

// Comparison function which sorts channels according to appearance within Discord. Name
// is short for 'descending position,' but it also accomodates for voice channel location.
const descPos = (a, b) => {
  if (a.type !== b.type) {
    if (a.type === 'voice') return 1;
    else return -1;
  } else return a.position - b.position;

// Create a new Collection to hold categories and their children.
const channels = new Discord.Collection();

// Non-category channels without parent categories will appear at the top.
channels.set('__none', guild.channels.filter(channel => !channel.parent && channel.type !== 'category').sort(descPos));

// Add all the categories in order, mapped by their bolded name, into the Collection.
const categories = guild.channels.filter(channel => channel.type === 'category').sort(descPos);
categories.forEach(category => channels.set(category.id, category.children.sort(descPos)));

const list = [];

// Iterate through the categories and the corresponding Collection of their channels.
for (let [categoryID, children] of channels) {
  // Retrieve the category from it's ID.
  const category = guild.channels.get(categoryID);

  // Push the category name (bolded for readability) into the list.
  if (category) list.push(`**${category.name}**`);

  // Iterate through the Collection of children. Push the mention for text, name for others.
  for (let [, child] of children) list.push(child.type === 'text' ? child : child.name);
  // To answer your comment about adding the emoji for voice channels...
  //                              list.push(child.type === 'text' ? child : ` ${child.name}`);

// Send the list of channels, appearing exactly how it does on the side. Make sure the
// joined list isn't too long for a message or embed field first to avoid an error.


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