在 ngrx 实体中,请告诉我 EntityState<V> 中的 <V> 是什么类型

In ngrx entity please tell me what type <V> is in EntityState<V>

I just want to find what this type <V> for EntityState<V> is.

我只是将上面的代码作为代码放入,以便显示 V 部分...(而且我不知道如何搜索包含在人字形或 wtf 中的东西)

我已经搜索了所有我能想到的东西。 ngrx 文档在 https://v7.ngrx.io/guide/entity/interfaces and I found this tutorial that mentions it - https://medium.com/ngrx/introducing-ngrx-entity-598176456e15

... but I just can't figure out what is type <V>.


interface EntityState<V> {
  ids: string[] | number[];
  entities: { [id: string | id: number]: V };

This probably sounds retarded but HOW do I figure out the answer 
to this seemingly incredibly simple question?  What is <V>?


interface EntityState<V> {
  ids: string[] | number[];
  entities: { [id: string | id: number]: V };


class AnyClassname implements EntityState<ObjectName>{ ... }

ObjectName 将是您希望用作实体或数据库实体的对象。

ids 键是 numberstring 的数组, entities 键本质上是键的对象(无论是数字还是字符串值为 ObjectName

它可能是这样的(ObjectName 是我表示对象的方式,它可以是 Todo 或 User):

    ids: ['1','2'],
    entities: {
        '1': {