尝试多次循环小部件字段时 Terraform 代码出现 400 错误

400 Error in Terraform code when trying to loop a widget field multiple times

I have the following code which I am trying to implement for multiple widgets in a single cloud watch dashboard

`    locals {
      instances = csvdecode(file("${path.module}/sample.csv"))

    resource "aws_cloudwatch_dashboard" "main" {
      dashboard_name = "my-dashboard"

      dashboard_body = jsonencode(
       "widgets": [
    for inst in range(length(local.instances)):[  
// i want to repeat the below section as the length of instances variable but getting an error  


                 "metrics":[ // trying to implement multiple widget in a single dashboard 
    enter code here
                 "title":"EC2 Instance CPU",
                 "annotations": {
                    "horizontal": [
                             "label": "Untitled annotation",
                             "value": 1.01
                       }          }
    }   `


错误:放置仪表板失败:InvalidParameterInput:仪表板正文无效,有 4 个验证错误: [ { "dataPath": "/widgets/0", "message": "Should be object" }, { "dataPath": "/widgets/1", "message": "Should be object" }, { "dataPath": "/widgets/2", "message": "Should be object" }, { "dataPath": "/widgets/3", "message": "Should be object" } ] 状态码:400,请求id:706ac87c-a796-11e9-8983-65d87c7656b4


  "widgets": [
    [ // <--- It seems to be wrong.
        "height": 6,

widgets 有列表中的列表。所以像下面这样修改,

      "widgets" : [ //removed [ 
        for inst in range(length(local.instances)) :
            "annotations" : {
              "horizontal" : [
                  "label" : "Untitled annotation",
                  "value" : 1.01
      ] // and removed ] 
