在 Microsoft Virtual Assistant 和 Skills 之间传递数据

Passing data between Microsoft Virtual Assistant and Skills

我已将 CalendarSkill 连接到我的虚拟助手,并且运行良好。我没有使用身份验证提示,而是在我的虚拟助手中生成图形令牌,并希望将其传递给技能。我如何将数据传递给 skillContext 或使用插槽(不确定如何使用这些插槽检索或发送数据)。

我曾尝试使用 DialogOptions 传递数据,但如何使用技巧检索该数据。

假设您试图在其中检索选项的对话框是 WaterfallDialog 您可以使用 Options property, as you have already mentioned you pass the options in using the options 参数检索选项。


// Call the dialog and pass through options
await dc.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(MyDialog), new { MyProperty1 = "MyProperty1Value", MyProperty2 = "MyProperty2Value" });

// Retrieve the options
public async Task<DialogTurnResult> MyWaterfallStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext waterfallStepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    var passedInOptions = waterfallStepContext.Options;


我建议使用强类型 class 来传递和检索选项,这样您就可以创建如下所示的内容:

// Concrete class definition
public class MyOptions
    public string MyOptionOne { get; set; }
    public string MyOptionTwo { get; set; }

// Passing options to Dialog
await dc.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(MyDialog), new MyOptions{ MyOptionOne = "MyOptionOneValue", MyOptionTwo = "MyOptionTwo" });

// Retrieving options in child Dialog
using Newtonsoft.Json;

public async Task<DialogTurnResult> MyWaterfallStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext waterfallStepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    var passedInOptions = waterfallStepContext.Options;
    // Get passed in options, need to serialise the object before we deserialise because calling .ToString on the object is unreliable
    MyOptions passedInMyOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyOptions>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(waterfallStepContext.Options));

    // Use retrieved options like passedInOptions.MyOptionOne etc