在查询中找到 @client 指令,但未指定 ApolloClient 解析器

Found @client directives in a query but no ApolloClient resolvers were specified

OS: Windows 10 专业版
阿波罗客户端:2.6.3 阿波罗提升:0.1.16


Found @client directives in a query but no ApolloClient resolvers were specified. This means ApolloClient local resolver handling has been disabled, and @client directives will be passed through to your link chain.

当我按如下方式定义我的 ApolloClient 时:

return new ApolloClient({
    uri: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? endpoint : prodEndpoint,
    request: operation => {
        fetchOptions: {
          credentials: 'include',
        headers: { cookie: headers && headers.cookie },
    // local data
    clientState: {
      resolvers: {
        Mutation: {
          toggleCart(_, variables, { cache }) {
            // Read the cartOpen value from the cache
            const { cartOpen } = cache.readQuery({
              query: LOCAL_STATE_QUERY,
            // Write the cart State to the opposite
            const data = {
              data: { cartOpen: !cartOpen },
            return data;
      defaults: {
        cartOpen: false,


If you're interested in integrating local state handling capabilities with Apollo Client < 2.5, please refer to our (now deprecated) apollo-link-state project. As of Apollo Client 2.5, local state handling is baked into the core, which means it is no longer necessary to use apollo-link-state

clientState 配置选项仅用于 apollo-link-state。您需要将解析器直接添加到配置中,如文档中所示:

new ApolloClient({
  uri: '/graphql',
  resolvers: { ... },

另请注意,不再有 defaults 选项 -- 应通过直接在缓存实例上调用 writeData 来初始化缓存(请参阅 here)。


注意:从 3.0 版开始,writeData 已被删除,取而代之的是 writeFragmentwriteQuery