matplotlib 小部件更新了错误的数据

matplotlib widget updates the wrong data


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, TextBox

#cols = ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'purple']
cols = ['#3f54bf','#c14142','#59bf3f','#b83fbf']

finam = ['wan_band.dat','wan_band.pwx.dat']
#finam = ['wan_band.dat'] # this works

lbot = len(finam)*0.09 + 0.06
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.margins(x=0) # lines go to the edge of the horizontal axes

def setlines(lines, txbx1, txbx2):
    ''' turn lines on/off based on text box values '''
        mn = int(txbx1) - 1
        mx = int(txbx2) - 1
        for ib in range(len(lines)): 
            if (ib<mn) or (ib>mx):
            else :

    except ValueError as err:
        print('Invalid range')
#end def setlines(cnt, lines, txbx1, txbx2):

def alphalines(lines, valin):
    ''' set lines' opacity '''
    maxval = int('ff',16)
    maxval = hex(int(valin*maxval))[2:]
    for ib in range(bcnt):
#end def alphalines(lines, valtxt):

lines  = [0]*len(finam) # 2d list to hold Line2Ds
txbox1 = [0]*len(finam) # list of Lo Band TextBoxes
txbox2 = [0]*len(finam) # lsit of Hi Band TextBoxes
alslid = [0]*len(finam) # list of Line Opacity Sliders

for cnt, fnam in enumerate(finam):

    ptcnt = 0 # point count
    fid   = open(fnam, 'r')
    fiit  = iter(fid)
    for line in fiit:
        if line.strip() == '' :
        ptcnt += 1

    bandat_raw = np.loadtxt(fnam)
    bcnt = int(np.round((bandat_raw.shape[0] / (ptcnt))))


    # get views of the raw data that are easier to work with
    kbandat = bandat_raw[:ptcnt,0]                       # k point length along path
    ebandat = bandat_raw.reshape((bcnt,ptcnt,2))[:,:,1]  # band energy @ k-points

    lines[cnt] = [0]*bcnt # point this list element to another list
    for ib in range(bcnt):
        #l, = plt.plot(kbandat, ebandat[ib], c=cols[cnt],lw=1.0)
        l, = ax.plot(kbandat, ebandat[ib], c=cols[cnt],lw=1.0)
        lines[cnt][ib] = l

    y0 = 0.03 + 0.07*cnt
    bxht = 0.035
    axbox1 = plt.axes([0.03, y0, 0.08, bxht]) # x0, y0, width, height
    axbox2 = plt.axes([0.13, y0, 0.08, bxht])
    txbox1[cnt] = TextBox(axbox1, '', initial=str(1))
    txbox2[cnt] = TextBox(axbox2, '', initial=str(bcnt))
    txbox1[cnt].on_submit( lambda x: setlines(lines[cnt], x, txbox2[cnt].text) ) 
    txbox2[cnt].on_submit( lambda x: setlines(lines[cnt], txbox1[cnt].text, x) ) 

    axalpha = plt.axes([0.25, y0, 0.65, bxht])
    alslid[cnt] = Slider(axalpha, '', 0.1, 1.0, valinit=1.0)
    salpha = alslid[cnt]
    alslid[cnt].on_changed( lambda x: alphalines(lines[cnt], x) )

#end for cnt, fnam in enumerate(finam):

plt.text(0.01, 1.2, 'Lo Band', transform=axbox1.transAxes)
plt.text(0.01, 1.2, 'Hi Band', transform=axbox2.transAxes)
plt.text(0.01, 1.2, 'Line Opacity', transform=axalpha.transAxes)


这里底部的滑块应该改变蓝线的不透明度,但它却改变了红线的不透明度。最初变量 txbox1txbox2alslid 不是列表。虽然我将它们更改为列表以确保它们不会被垃圾收集,但它并没有改变任何东西。

这是我一直在使用的测试数据set1 and set2。根据代码中的硬编码列表 finam,它们应保存为文件 'wan_band.dat' 和 'wan_band.pwx.dat'。

我想通了,使用 lambda 部分执行带有迭代器值的一些函数意味着它们总是用迭代器的最后一个值进行计算。切换到 functools.partial 解决了这个问题。