RVM - Ruby 更新 - 无法自动检测当前活动的 RVM gem 集名称

RVM - Ruby update - Unable to autodetect the currently active RVM gem set name

我正在尝试更新我的一台服务器上的 ruby 版本。我已经更新了 RVM 并安装了新的 Ruby 但我遇到了乘客(独立)的问题。

据我所知,它是在 (Ruby 2.2.5) 之前从 Gemfile 安装的 gem。

bundle exec gem list passenger
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
passenger (5.0.30)

它仍然作为 Gemfile 中的 gem 安装(在 Ruby 2.6.3 中):

bundle exec gem list passenger
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
passenger (5.0.30)

Ruby 在我的 rvm 中设置为默认值 rvm --default use 2.6.3


当我尝试使用此配置部署应用程序时,当 capist运行o 试图阻止乘客时,我 运行 出错了:

00:34 deploy:restart
  01 ~/.rvm/bin/rvm 2.6.3@global do bundle exec passenger stop
  01 Unable to autodetect the currently active RVM gem set name. This could happen if you ran this program using 'sudo' instead of 'rvmsudo'. When using RVM, you're always supposed to use 'rvmsudo' instead of 'sudo!'.
  01 Please try rerunning this program using 'rvmsudo'. If that doesn't help, please contact this program's author for support.

但是如您所见,我没有使用任何 sudo 或 rvmsudo...

当我进入服务器并尝试手动重启 passenger 时,我得到了同样的错误:

bundle exec passenger stop --help --verbose
Unable to autodetect the currently active RVM gem set name. This could happen if you ran this program using 'sudo' instead of 'rvmsudo'. When using RVM, you're always supposed to use 'rvmsudo' instead of 'sudo!'.

Please try rerunning this program using 'rvmsudo'. If that doesn't help, please contact this program's author for support.

知道我怎样才能 'make it work' 吗?

似乎将 passenger 更新到较新的版本确实有所帮助(已更新到 6.0.2)。