git 挂钩中未应用 Flake8 配置

Flake8 config not being applied in git hook

我有一个 pre-commit git 挂钩,如果添加的行不遵循指定的样式指南,它应该会阻碍提交。

所以在我的存储库的根文件夹中,我有一个 .flake8 文件,如下所示:


########## FORMATTING ##########
# Print the total number of errors.
#count =
## Print the source code generating the error/warning in question.
#show-source =
## Count the number of occurrences of each error/warning code and print a report.
#statistics =

########## OPTIONS ##########
# Set the maximum length that any line (with some exceptions) may be.
max-line-length = 90
# Set the maximum allowed McCabe complexity value for a block of code.
max-complexity = 10

########## RULES ##########
ignore = D102,D103,E265

########## TARGETS ##########
# Redirect all output to the specified file.
#output-file = 
## Also print output to stdout if output-file has been configured.
#tee = 

我的 git 挂钩在 .git/hooks/pre-commit 下,具有完全权限:rwxrwxrwx(我知道这不是最安全的)。

# Checks so that the file is correctly linted, before commiting.
# Using the same linter settings as defined in the repo root .flake8

LINT=$(git diff -- '***.py' | py -3 -m flake8 --diff --config="../../.flake8")
#LINT=$(git diff -- '***.py' | py -3 -m flake8 --diff --max-line-length=90)

if [ -z "$LINT" ]
        exit 0
        echo "$LINT"
        exit 1

如果我将 LINT 变量更改为注释掉的那个,钩子就会起作用。然后它标记太长的行。但是如果我指定我的配置文件而不是它不会标记它。

我认为错误是 --config="../../.flake8 不知何故不正确。我在 cygwin 下的 windows 机器上 运行 这个(所以路径格式应该正确,不是吗?)。


在存储库的根目录中挂钩 运行,因此选项应该只是 --config=.flake8