Python: 获取方法使用的属性列表

Python: Get a list of attributes used by a method

我想要一个 (Python 3.7+) 函数,给定一个 (class, method) 对,它会给我一个执行该方法所需的属性列表计算。



def func(obj):
    return obj.a + obj.b

class A:
    e = 2
    def __init__(self, a=0, b=0, c=1, d=10):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.c = c
        self.d = d

    def target_method(self, x=3):
        t = func(self)
        tt = self.other_method(t)
        return x * tt / self.e

    def other_method(self, x=1):
        return self.c * x

我想要的 attr_used_by_method 函数会做这样的事情:

>>> attr_used_by_method(cls=A, method_name='target_method')
['a', 'b', 'c', 'e']

因为:ab是在对象传递给func时使用的,c是在other_method方法中使用的,而self.e 用于计算 return 值。但是属性 d 对计算机 target_method 来说不是必需的,因此没有 returned。

我搜索了 inspecttrace 软件包,看它们是否可以完成工作,但看起来只有 ast 才能正确完成任务。

ast 书呆子吗?

对于上下文:我想要这样一个函数的原因是能够创建一个 "specialized json-serialization",它只会序列化执行对象的特定方法所需的那些属性。

您可以跟踪其他函数正在使用的变量并将它们存储在列表中,return 该列表由您命名的函数 "attr_used_by_method"

ast module可以做到。如果我们假设源存储在名为 source 的变量中(可以从文件中读取):

import ast

root = ast.parse(source)
names = sorted({ for node in ast.walk(root) if isinstance(node, ast.Name)})

为了获得唯一性和友好的显示顺序而失去了顺序,但是如果您不需要唯一性但想要排序,您可以只使用列表理解或生成器表达式而不是集合理解。结果 list 是:

['a', 'b', 'c', 'do_something', 'f', 'myList', 'range', 'someMethod', 'something', 'x']
class Tracker:
    Tracks the attribute access right after `start_track` is set to True.

    Add this to __metaclass__ for any class that you need to track attributes for given a
    target method.
    attrs_to_ignore = []
    attr_used = []
    start_track = False

    def __getattribute__(self, item):
        Inspect getter for tracking the attributes accessed.
        if item not in ['on_access']:
        return super().__getattribute__(item)

    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        Inspect setter for tracking the attributes accessed.
        if self.start_track:

        super().__setattr__(key, value)

    def on_access(self, key):
        on attribute access, record attribute if and only if its not from
        core attribute or `attrs_to_ignore` set to class.
        if key in ['start_track', 'attr_used', 'on_access', 'attrs_to_ignore'] or key in self.attrs_to_ignore:
        if self.start_track:

def attr_used_by_method(cls, method_name, method_params):
    Tracks the access to attributes within an execution.
    # create meta class with the above tracker and `cls` from parameters.
    tracker = type('Tracker', (Tracker, cls), dict(cls.__dict__, **Tracker.__dict__))()
    tracker.attrs_to_ignore = [func for func in dir(tracker) if callable(getattr(tracker, func))]
    if hasattr(tracker, method_name):
        candidate_method = getattr(tracker, method_name)
        # Now, we want to track attributes.
        tracker.start_track = True
        attr_used = tracker.attr_used.copy()
        tracker.attr_used = []
        return attr_used
        # Error class/obj do not have that method.
        return 1