如何在使用 ibmcloud 命令行创建 Watson 服务时指定区域
How to specify region when creating a Watson service using the ibmcloud command line
我想通过 ibmcloud 命令在指定 "Tokyo region" 中创建语音转文本服务。
我知道,我可以通过 ibmcloud 门户在指定 "Tokyo region" 中创建语音转文本服务。
ibmcloud resource service-instance-create myspeechtotext speech-to-text lite jp-tok
$ ibmcloud regions
Listing regions...
Name Display name
au-syd Sydney
jp-osa Osaka
jp-tok Tokyo
eu-de Frankfurt
eu-gb London
us-south Dallas
us-east Washington DC
$ ibmcloud catalog search speech
Getting catalog entries...
Id Name Kind
oss.speech-to-text oss.speech-to-text oss
oss.text-to-speech oss.text-to-speech oss
bc35fb8c-bc5b-431b-859e-3861771d5843 speech-to-text service
282c1d79-9176-4597-9cff-941a8d6cfd4c text-to-speech service
$ ibmcloud catalog entry bc35fb8c-bc5b-431b-859e-3861771d5843
Getting catalog entry...
ID Name Kind Group Provider Tags
bc35fb8c-bc5b-431b-859e-3861771d5843 speech-to-text service false IBM apidocs_enabled,eu_access,gc_migrate,ibm_created,ibm_dedicated_public,ibm_release,lite,rc_compatible,watson
$ ibmcloud resource service-instance-create --help
service-instance-create - Create a service instance
ibmcloud resource service-instance-create NAME (SERVICE_NAME | SERVICE_ID) SERVICE_PLAN_NAME LOCATION [-d, --deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME] [-p, --parameters @JSON_FILE | JSON_STRING ] [-g RESOURCE_GROUP] [--service-endpoints SERVICE_ENDPOINTS_TYPE]
-d value, --deployment value Name of deployment
-p value, --parameters value JSON file or JSON string of parameters to create service instance
-g value Resource group name
--service-endpoints value Types of the service endpoints. Possible values are 'public', 'private', 'public-and-private'.
$ ibmcloud resource service-instance-create myspeechtotext speech-to-text lite jp-tok
我想通过 ibmcloud 命令在指定 "Tokyo region" 中创建语音转文本服务。
我知道,我可以通过 ibmcloud 门户在指定 "Tokyo region" 中创建语音转文本服务。
ibmcloud resource service-instance-create myspeechtotext speech-to-text lite jp-tok
$ ibmcloud regions
Listing regions...
Name Display name
au-syd Sydney
jp-osa Osaka
jp-tok Tokyo
eu-de Frankfurt
eu-gb London
us-south Dallas
us-east Washington DC
$ ibmcloud catalog search speech
Getting catalog entries...
Id Name Kind
oss.speech-to-text oss.speech-to-text oss
oss.text-to-speech oss.text-to-speech oss
bc35fb8c-bc5b-431b-859e-3861771d5843 speech-to-text service
282c1d79-9176-4597-9cff-941a8d6cfd4c text-to-speech service
$ ibmcloud catalog entry bc35fb8c-bc5b-431b-859e-3861771d5843
Getting catalog entry...
ID Name Kind Group Provider Tags
bc35fb8c-bc5b-431b-859e-3861771d5843 speech-to-text service false IBM apidocs_enabled,eu_access,gc_migrate,ibm_created,ibm_dedicated_public,ibm_release,lite,rc_compatible,watson
$ ibmcloud resource service-instance-create --help
service-instance-create - Create a service instance
ibmcloud resource service-instance-create NAME (SERVICE_NAME | SERVICE_ID) SERVICE_PLAN_NAME LOCATION [-d, --deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME] [-p, --parameters @JSON_FILE | JSON_STRING ] [-g RESOURCE_GROUP] [--service-endpoints SERVICE_ENDPOINTS_TYPE]
-d value, --deployment value Name of deployment
-p value, --parameters value JSON file or JSON string of parameters to create service instance
-g value Resource group name
--service-endpoints value Types of the service endpoints. Possible values are 'public', 'private', 'public-and-private'.
$ ibmcloud resource service-instance-create myspeechtotext speech-to-text lite jp-tok