
Can't write to a Handle

我正在 Haskell 中编写一个聊天服务器。我的可执行文件具有以下代码:

data Client = Client {idx :: Int, hClient :: Handle} deriving (Show, Eq)

tellClient :: String -> Client -> IO ()
tellClient = flip $ hPutStrLn . hClient

askClient :: Client -> IO (String)
askClient = hGetLine . hClient

我希望能够用来写入和读取文件。我正在使用 HSpec 针对此代码编写测试。我有以下功能来构建临时 Client 对象(依赖于 "temporary")库:

withTempClient :: Int -> (Client -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempClient cIdx f = withTempFile "tests/generated" "clientFile.tmp" axn
  where axn _ handle = f $ Client cIdx handle


main = hspec $  do
  describe "client IO" $ do
    it "can ask and tell" $ withTempClient 1 $ \c -> do
      tellClient "hello" c
      hFlush $ hClient c
      askClient c `shouldReturn` "hello"


   uncaught exception: IOException of type EOF (test/generated
   /clientFile11587.tmp: hGetLine: end of file)


it "opens a handle corectly" $ withTempClient 1 $ \(Client _ h) -> do
  hIsOpen h `shouldReturn` True
  hIsWritable h `shouldReturn` True


当您写入文件时,OS 会跟踪您在该文件中的位置。你得到一个 EOF 错误,因为你在文件的末尾(开始时它是空的,你写的所有内容都在 之前 当前位置)。

要解决这个问题,您需要使用 hSeek 将自己重新定位在文件的开头,如下所示:

hSeek (hClient c) AbsoluteSeek 0

更多求索细节,参见。这点 real world haskell.