react-native 代码推送中允许的更改

Changes allowed in react-native code-push

我在我的react native 应用程序中添加了react-native-code-push,如果我在我的页面中添加一个新页面然后将其部署到code-push 云上,它是否有效?

在 react-native-code-push 中改变东西的限制是什么?



我在生产中使用 CodePush 已经有一段时间了。

I have added react-native-code-push in my react native app and if I add a new page in my page and then deploy it on code-push cloud, it will work or not?


What is the limit of changing the things in react-native-code-push?

任何 JS 更改都可以通过 CodePush 推送。

Please do tell that what if I deployed in code push cloud and app store both, then the users will get the update button in play store or not?

仅当您有任何更改已更改您的本机代码时。 (Ex- 添加链接了本机模块的库)您需要确保通过 Playstore/Appstore 进行部署。