如果 Screen/Workstation 被锁定,自动保存并关闭工作簿(共享)

Auto save and close workbook (in a share) if Screen/Workstation is Locked

我们在工作中每天都会遇到的事情是,当团队成员从网络共享中打开 Excel 工作簿以更新工作簿时,他忘记保存并在完成后关闭文件。

当用户锁定他的工作站并离开他的办公桌时,他的同事无法修改共享的 excel 工作簿(只读),就会出现此问题。

P.S 出于安全原因,每次离开办公桌前锁定工作站是至关重要的,我鼓励 reader 养成这种良好的网络卫生习惯。



将 excel 文件另存为 .xlsm 以在工作簿本身中启用宏存储。

转到:开发人员选项卡 -> Visual Basic

双击:'This Workbook',在左侧窗格中


    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
       Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "Save1"
    End Sub

右键单击 VBA项目 -> 插入 -> 模块


    Sub Save1()
      Application.DisplayAlerts = False
      Application.DisplayAlerts = True

      If IsLocked(Environ$("computername")) > 0 Then
        Workbooks("book1test.xlsm").Close SaveChanges:=True
      End If

      Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "Save1"
    End Sub

    Function IsLocked(strComputer)

      With GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
        IsLocked = .ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Process where Name='logonui.exe'").Count '
      End With

    End Function


此宏将在您每次打开工作簿时触发,每分钟保存一次您的工作,并且只有在您的 screen/workstation 被记录时才关闭工作簿。如果需要,您可以删除 auto-save 功能。


Check if computer is locked using VBscript


对于您的 ThisWorkbook 部分,只有此代码:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Call TheTimerMac
End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
   Call RestApplicationTimer
End Sub

然后在标准模块中插入以下代码。可以使用常量调整设置,看起来你明白了(顺便感谢 CDATE 函数——比 TimeValeu 短)


    'Time settings
    Const idleTimeLIMIT As String = "00:35:00" '<---- Edit this to whatever timer you want (hour:min:sec)
    Const checkIntervalTime As String = "00:01:00" '<---- this can be executed frequently as it has low overhead

'Set this variable TRUE to confirm the macro is working with popup messages
    Const conFirmRunning As Boolean = False

Dim LastCalculate As Date 'Make sure this is outside and above the other macros
Option Private Module
Public Sub TheTimerMac()

'message you can have displayed to make sure it's running
    If conFirmRunning Then MsgBox "TheTimerMac is running."

'Schedules application to execute below macro at set time.
    Application.OnTime Now + CDate(checkIntervalTime), "AnyBodyWorking"

End Sub

Private Sub AnyBodyWorking()
'OPTIONAL Warning messages to be spoken
    Const TenMinuteWarning As String = "Your file will save and close in approximately 10 minutes"
    Const FiveMinuteWarning As String = "Your file will save and close in approximately 5 minutes"
    Const OneMinuteWarning As String = "This is the last warning. Your file will save and close in a little over a minute."

'message you can have displayed to make sure it's running
    If conFirmRunning Then MsgBox "AnyBodyWorking Macro is running."

    If LastCalculate = 0 Then
    'Won't close application if lastCalc hasn't been set
        Call RestApplicationTimer

    ElseIf Now > LastCalculate Then
        'if nothing has happened in the last idleTime interval... then it closes.

        'close and lock it up!!
        Exit Sub 'not even sure if this is needed, but probably good to be sure

    ''Optional spoken warnings

        ElseIf DateDiff("S", Now, LastCalculate) < 60 Then
                    Application.Speech.Speak OneMinuteWarning

        ElseIf DateDiff("S", Now, LastCalculate) < 300 Then
                    Application.Speech.Speak FiveMinuteWarning

        ElseIf DateDiff("S", Now, LastCalculate) < 600 Then
                   Application.Speech.Speak TenMinuteWarnin
    End If

    Call TheTimerMac

End Sub

Sub RestApplicationTimer()
    LastCalculate = Now + CDate(idleTimeLIMIT)
End Sub

最后,我认为你可以稍微改进一下 locked 函数,如下所示,你可以将它包含在你的 if 语句中。

Function IsLocked() As Boolean

    IsLocked = _
        GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & _
        Environ$("computername") & "\root\cimv2"). _
        ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Process where Name='logonui.exe'").Count > 0

End Function

@PGSystemTester 这是我让它工作的唯一方法:


Public idleTIME As Date '<---- Edit this to whatever timer you want (hour:min:sec)

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    idleTIME = CDate("00:10:00")
    LastCalculate = Now + idleTIME
End Sub

Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
    LastCalculate = Now + idleTIME
End Sub

在模块选项 1 中:

Public LastCalculate As Date 
Const checkIntervalTime As String = "00:01:00" 

Sub Check()
    Call TheTimerMac
End Sub

Private Sub TheTimerMac()
     Dim nextRunTime As Date
     nextRunTime = Now + CDate(checkIntervalTime)
     'Schedules application to execute below macro at set time.
     Application.OnTime nextRunTime, "AnyBodyWorking"

End Sub

Private Sub AnyBodyWorking()

     If Now > LastCalculate Then
        'if nothing has happened in the last idleTime interval... then it closes.

        'close and lock it up!!

        'executes the timerMacagain
         Call TheTimerMac
    End If

End Sub

模块选项 2(锁定屏幕):

Public LastCalculate As Date 'Make sure this is outside and above the other macros
Const checkIntervalTime As String = "00:00:30" '<---- this can be frequent as it has low overhead

Sub Check()
    Call TheTimerMac
End Sub

Private Sub TheTimerMac()
     Dim nextRunTime As Date
     nextRunTime = Now + CDate(checkIntervalTime)
     'Schedules application to execute below macro at set time.
     Application.OnTime nextRunTime, "AnyBodyWorking"

End Sub

Private Sub AnyBodyWorking()

     If Now > LastCalculate Or (IsLocked("FIBRE-X") > 0) Then
        'if nothing has happened in the last interval idleTime OR Screen is Locked... then it closes.

        'close and lock it up!!

        'executes the timerMacagain
         Call TheTimerMac
    End If

End Sub

Function IsLocked(strComputer)

    With GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
        IsLocked = .ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Process where Name='logonui.exe'").Count '
    End With

End Function
