Javascript Rest API for 循环中的 fetch 调用未为元素设置值

Javascript Rest API fetch calls in for loop not setting value to elements

我正在尝试根据术语列表从维基百科获取图像 URLs(如果存在)。 API 调用在我只调用一次时有效,但一旦它进入 for 循环,它就不会将结果设置为 img src=。如果我输入 alert() 并放慢速度,它肯定会得到 URLs。




var wikiImageURLs = ["blueweed",

$(function () {
    $(document).ready(function () {

        for (var i = 0; i < wikiImageURLs.length; i++)
             fetch('' + wikiImageURLs[i])
                 .then(response => {
                    if(response.ok) return response.json();
                    throw new Error(response.statusText);
                 .then(function handleData(data) {
                     var wikiImageURL = data.thumbnail.source.replace("320px", "262px");
                    document.getElementById(wikiImageURLs[i]).src = wikiImageURL;
                 .catch(function handleError(error) {



            <img id="blueweed" /> blueweed
            <img id="buttercup_annual" /> buttercup, annual
            <img id="horseweed_(marestail)" /> horseweed, (marestail)
            <img id="lambsquarters_common" /> lambsquarters, common
            <img id="ragweed_common" /> ragweed, common
            <img id="spurge_thyme-leaf" /> spurge, thyme-leaf
            <img id="bedstraw_annual" /> bedstraw, annual
            <img id="bluebur" /> bluebur
            <img id="burdock" /> burdock
            <img id="clover_white_sweet" /> clover, white sweet
            <img id="clover_bur" /> clover, bur
            <img id="cocklebur" /> cocklebur
            <img id="croton_wooly" /> croton, wooly
            <img id="dogbane_hemp" /> dogbane, hemp
            <img id="ironweed_tall" /> ironweed, tall
            <img id="lettuce_wild" /> lettuce, wild
            <img id="mustard_tanzy" /> mustard, tanzy
            <img id="radish_wild" /> radish, wild
            <img id="ragwort_tanzy" /> ragwort, tanzy
            <img id="shepherd&#39;s_purse" /> shepherd&#39;s purse
            <img id="amaranth_spiny" /> amaranth, spiny
            <img id="buttercup_tall" /> buttercup, tall
            <img id="chickweed_mouseear" /> chickweed, mouseear
            <img id="clover_white" /> clover, white
            <img id="Dandelion" /> Dandelion
            <img id="dock_curly" /> dock, curly
            <img id="galinsoga_hairy" /> galinsoga, hairy
            <img id="goatsbeard" /> goatsbeard
            <img id="henbit" /> henbit
            <img id="ironweed_western" /> ironweed, western
            <img id="ivy_ground" /> ivy, ground
            <img id="kochia" /> kochia
            <img id="lespedeze" /> lespedeze
            <img id="oxalis" /> oxalis
            <img id="pennycress_field" /> pennycress, field
            <img id="pepperweed_field" /> pepperweed, field
            <img id="pigweed_redroot" /> pigweed, redroot
            <img id="plantain_broadleaf" /> plantain, broadleaf
            <img id="plantain_narrow-leaf" /> plantain, narrow-leaf
            <img id="purslane_annual" /> purslane, annual
            <img id="sneezeweed_bitter" /> sneezeweed, bitter
            <img id="sowthistle_annual" /> sowthistle, annual
            <img id="sunflower" /> sunflower
            <img id="thistle_Russian" /> thistle, Russian
            <img id="vetch" /> vetch
            <img id="violet_wild" /> violet, wild
            <img id="wormwood_biennial" /> wormwood, biennial
            <img id="yellow_rocket" /> yellow rocket
            <img id="bindweed_field" /> bindweed, field
            <img id="carrot_wild" /> carrot, wild
            <img id="chicory" /> chicory
            <img id="cinquefoil" /> cinquefoil
            <img id="dogfennel" /> dogfennel
            <img id="fleabane_annual" /> fleabane, annual
            <img id="goldenrod" /> goldenrod
            <img id="horsenettle" /> horsenettle
            <img id="kudzu" /> kudzu
            <img id="marshelder" /> marshelder
            <img id="milkweed" /> milkweed
            <img id="pepperweed_perennial" /> pepperweed, perennial
            <img id="pokeweed" /> pokeweed
            <img id="sesbania_hemp" /> sesbania, hemp
            <img id="sowthistle_perennial" /> sowthistle, perennial
            <img id="spurge_leafy" /> spurge, leafy
            <img id="thistle_bull" /> thistle, bull
            <img id="thistle_Canada" /> thistle, Canada
            <img id="thistle_musk_(nodding)" /> thistle, musk (nodding)
            <img id="yarrow" /> yarrow


该路由的响应中没有图像 URL,数组中还有一些模板中不存在的 ID,并且您有不必要的链式承诺。下面的代码有效,但我硬编码了一张随机图像 URL。一旦您找到新的 API 路由 returns 图像 URL,您可以简单地编辑此代码。

var wikiImageURLs = ["blueweed"];

        for (let i = 0; i < wikiImageURLs.length; i++)
             fetch('' + wikiImageURLs[i]).then(response =>          {
                 document.getElementById(wikiImageURLs[i]).src = '';

在这种情况下,我建议使用递归作为重复循环,因为这样,下一个查询只会在前一个查询完成时发生,因此您的浏览器不会挂起。 示例:

    var wikiImageURLs = [

    function fetchWikipedia(counter) {
      if (counter < wikiImageURLs.length) {
        fetch('' + wikiImageURLs[counter])
            .then(response => {
                if (response.ok)
                  return response.json();
                  throw new Error(response.statusText);
            .then(function handleData(data) {
                if (data.thumbnail) { //I added this line, cause sometimes the query doesn't come with the thumbnail attribute 
                  var wikiImageURL = data.thumbnail.source.replace("320px", "262px");
                  document.getElementById(wikiImageURLs[counter]).src = wikiImageURL;
                fetchWikipedia(counter + 1);
            .catch(function handleError(error) {
                fetchWikipedia(counter + 1);

    $(function () {
      $(document).ready(function () {
        fetchWikipedia(0);//value initial of counter